Chapter 1

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Four months earlier...

Team: Year One
March 4th, 20:00
Wayne Manor

Parker had recently discovered adult coloring books. Ever since that fateful time ten days, four hours, and twenty-seven seconds ago, she had gone through more Sharpie colors than Dick was sure existed. Somehow, she had gotten him to color with her.

It was better than the normal attitude she had been giving him. Ever since Halloween, she had been giving him the silent treatment. Sure, they headed downtown dressed as Assassin's Creed cosplayers, but they really didn't do much more than that. The only good thing about that night was when Wally showed up in an impressive Altiär garb. The speedster had lightened the dull mood.

At first Dick had thought it was just girl PMS stuff, but as time went on, he realized he must have done something wrong.

He had thought long and hard about it, but nothing came to mind. In fact, Dick had just returned from a mission in Siberia on Halloween day!

Nothing really changed until Thanksgiving, where Parker had thanked the Lord for Bruce adopting her and her best friend, him. On Black Friday, though, things went back to normal.

His birthday had been interesting. After most guests had gone home, the remaining few, his closest friends, had insisted on playing Spin the Bottle. Nothing had been more awkward than when the bottle had landed on guess who?!

He did end up kissing her, and she even kissed back. In fact, he was sad when their five minutes were up. She may have been his best friend, but he had been developing a crush he had yet to tell her about.

Christmas was fun. Though, Bruce seemed less than delighted when Parker insisted on reading the Christmas story from the Bible. For the first time, Dick realized that everyone in the Manor followed a different set set beliefs. Bruce was Atheist. Alfred was Jewish. Parker was some denomination of Protestantism. And Dick considered himself to be some form of Catholic. No one really argued religion in the family, but they all had very different belief sets.

New Year's had been quite eventful, what with the Justice League being mind controlled and disappearing for sixteen hours.

The school holidays like President's Day meant hanging out with the Team.

Valentine's Day had been spent in Blüdhaven fighting Talia al Ghul. Apparently, even the daughter of the greatest assassin in the world wanted to see her true love on Valentine's Day.

Today being a Friday, the two usually hung out at the Cave. But the couples had grown annoying. Dick and Parker would find themselves with Zatanna and Kaldur playing board games. Not that they minded. Zee had become Parker's second closest friend, and Dick had developed a friends-with-benefits relationship with the magician even though the two had no feelings between them.

Things were far from simple. Bruce hovered over boom tube reports and Vandal Savage sightings since he had disappeared before the turn of the year. Alfred was constantly trying to get the vigilante billionaire to take a step back and rest. Dick as Robin was growing increasingly tiresome. Covert was already developing version 1.7.4 of the JLA's internet system. On top of all this, school ate up most of his spare time.

But not tonight.

It was a homework-free weekend at Gotham Academy, and most of the students had gone to one party or another. Dick had thought about inviting Barbara and a few others for pizza and a movie, but he changed his mind when Parker had asked him to hang out. It surprised him how much he had been willing to drop everything for her.

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