Chapter 12

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Team: Year One
June 30th, 05:20
Wayne Manor

Every time her fists hit the punching bag, a satisfying WHAP! resulted from the contact. She bounced lightly, ready to move in case the bag decided to fight back. When it did not, her fist met a rib-level strike. She released a volley of jabs to various levels of bag.

Afterwards, Parker wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. After furiously going after the punching bag for half an hour, she needed water and a towel.

She unwrapped her arms, not caring about the ugliness that lay underneath. Her mind wandered too much to sleep, and she had recently run out of books. So, the easy alternative was training.

She sat down on a yoga mat in a lotus position. Her head fell onto her crossed legs, making the nearly unnatural position look like a nap. Sleep had become increasingly rare, and fatigue was setting in. Still, no matter how much she tried, she could not get her mind to shut off. She had even tapped into her meta ability to try and force herself to sleep.

Her legs spread out equally on both sides in a simple split. Her back could bend close to the floor while sitting like that. She thought she would go over to the low bar and stretch while standing.

Parker's hand gripped the bar while the other gripped her heel. She leaned over until she was straight in the air like a prima ballerina at the end of the Nutcracker.

Despite her gracefulness, she incorporated very little of it during the little field work she got to experience. Covert fought with a street streak that Batman and Robin lacked. She was able to adapt more quickly, and form was nearly unheard of. She fought dirty, as her sparring partners quickly discovered, and her knowledge of the human body let her cause minor, temporary nerve damage. Needless to say, she was used when someone needed to be incapacitated.

Sure, Covert had been added to the patrol schedule around Gotham, but her experience was severely lacking. She could beat up the occasional thug with relative ease, but she had yet to take down anyone serious.

She could only hope that the Bat had noticed her increase in physical training. Her bad habit of wearing long sleeves and sweatshirts even in the summer had been a difficult and embarrassing one to break. Still, sacrifices had to be made to gain vigilante experience points. She wore much closer fitting clothes, even had gone so far as to flaunt herself in a crop top and booty shorts (which her boyfriend had not-so-subtly enjoyed).

Parker had made a good habit of dressing noticeably well, hoping her physic would be noticeably different now that she was stronger and more toned.

She made her way back to her room.

Despite her sleep deprivation and dire need of calories, she thought that it would be a good day.


Team: Year One
July 1st, 11:27
Wayne Manor

Dick was practically dragging her down the stairs. Both of them were smiling and laughing like normal teenagers. Finally, Dick picked Parker up by the waist and carried her. Her fit of hysterics incapacitated her ability to fight back.

Finally, he got her into the pool. With a splash, Logan Parker hit water for the first time in six months. Muscle memory served her well as she immediately moved her arms and legs and treaded water.

She barely had time to regain her senses before another splash erupted mere inches from her face. Parker covered her face with her hands defensively, a large grin still radiating fun plastered onto her features. Dick resurfaced a few seconds after. He whipped her hair to one side the way boys do when they're trying to impress a girl.

Inaspirical >>>(Young Justice/Dick Grayson)<<<Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu