N o t e

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D i s c l a i m e r :

Before you begin, this is NOT a romance novel. If you chose to read this thinking that it's going to be some sweet, fluffy fic of Jimin and an OC or other BTS member in a relationship together, I'm sorry to disappoint but that is not what this story is about. There may be a few very subtle Jikook, Vmin, Vminkook, Namjin, and Vsope ship references but romance is not the focus point of this story. Mirror is a story about healing and learning to love yourself with the help of others. 

This story is also a work of fiction and should not be associated with the real members of BTS or anyone else for that matter. Jae-hyun and his family are all characters of my own creation and I alone own them. Although, Jae-hyun's struggle with reality/fiction is partially based on personal experience only in his case, it has been made more extreme for fictional purposes. This is not related to any other works of fiction and if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental.

Also, this book is set in Seoul. I have never been there and I'm not even kidding when I say I read on Quora that clumsy people like me are likely to die on their first day there just by walking down the street. However, I am researching what it's like there as well as South Korean culture and other things like Korean honorifics, but if I get anything wrong, please don't hesitate to tell me. ^-^

D e s c r i p t i o n :

"What is even real anymore?"

Min Jae-hyun can no longer tell the difference between real events and those his mind creates. He questions everything, doubting his every thought, action, memory and relationship. Friends? His idiosyncrasy causes people to keep their distance. Family? With a mother who thinks of him as nothing more than a disappointment, a father who wants to understand him but doesn't know how, and a brother who outshines him in every way but is also the only person in the world whose intentions he never doubts, his family life isn't much better. His life is beginning to seem like nothing more than a cruel cycle of self-hate and disorientation. That is, until he meets his mirror image, the one and only Park Ji-min of BTS.

W A R N I N G !

This story contains: some strong language, both physical and mental abuse, self-hatred, mental disorders, and self harm via excessive dieting and exercising. DO NOT READ if you find any of the above triggering and if you are dealing with anything either in the list above or something else entirely, don't be afraid or ashamed of seeking help. 

Every one of you deserves the world. 

C o p y r i g h t :

 © ambs_ace. (2019). All rights reserved.

S t o r y  b e g a n :

0 4 / 0 7 / 2 0 1 9

S t o r y  c o m p l e t e d :

1 0 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 9

A u t h o r ' s  N o t e :

Hey, my Lovelies! 

This is my first book on Wattpad since my first proper attempt at a novel (Her Split Personality) tragically flopped. I know I have my short story collections as well as my beloved unpublished draft of what I hope will be my debut novel some day, Chasing Freedom (which, by the way, reached 52 thousand words the other day ^-^), but I wanted to join the Wattpad novelist community once again.

Although, this is a fan fiction and to be honest, it's something almost entirely new to me. I've written SasuNaru, Klance and Riren short fanfics before but never a whole novel about those ships. And because this is a BTS (welcome any fellow ARMY) fan fiction, this time around I'm writing about real people who exist (thank the stars) in the real world. The last thing I want to do is offend anyone, especially the BTS members and BigHit Entertainment (not that they'll ever read this but . . . it's the thought that counts). I love them all far too much to do that. So if any of you find something that could be taken to offense - even if it's the tiniest little bit - please let me know. :)

Also, if you have read any of my other works then you'll know that my mind is a very, very dark place. Because of that, all of my stories tend to end up quite dark too. So if you are sensitive to topics listed at the top of this page, please for your own sake, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. 

Sorry for the awfully long author's note and happy reading!

- Love TheTeenageBookThief  

- Love TheTeenageBookThief  ♡

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