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Being around Kevin was as wonderfully addicting as anything else I had ever experienced. It was terrifying how easy you could fall in his grips, and how your walls could just... crumble. He caught me at the perfect time, stealing one of my secrets away with him, and I knew even as the words left my lips I would regret telling him.

I already did, but as he pulled me closer in the darkness of his room, I knew better than to argue. He simply kissed my hands, my neck, my face, with as much love and care that I had ever been shown.

In the darkness of his room, we felt infinite.

"You're so good at this." I murmured while he kissed my neck, feeling him stop and pull away. He raised a brow, a confused expression of his face,

"At what?" I looked at him, bringing a hand and massaging my neck,

"Making me believe you." I could see the confusion deepen, almost getting annoyed, before it cleared and he sighed,

"Cooper, it's not that deep. Everything I say to you, I believe as well." I laughed, leaning back and pulling away from him. He released his grip, watching me as I stood and grabbed my hoodie and leggings from the floor,

"I'm not saying you don't believe it as well." I slipped it over my head, earning a small pout from Kevin as his eyes trailed my body. I put on my leggings, pulling them over my waist, "It's just that it all feels so in the moment." I turned, moving to go turn on the lights when I felt a tug back onto the bed.

It wasn't hard to pull me back, and I was back in his arms and on his lap as he pecked my lips, a devilish smirk on his lips as he looked at me,

"Your little philosophies about my bullshit never cease to amaze me," Now we both laughed as I ran my hands through his hair, moving it away from his eyes, "Just enjoy yourself sweet cheeks."

I hummed, raising a brow as I pursed my lips, looking at him suggestively as tucked a strand of hair behind his ear,

"Why don't you help me out with that?" I murmured, watching his eyes light up immediately. I could see the intention in them as he responded,

"Maybe I will." He turned, placing me down on the bed slowly. He stopped for a second, his hands on my side as I waited, anticipating his next move. Instead, he dug his face into my neck, pretending to leave bites as I yelped, a loud laugh leaving me,

"Hey! That tickles." This only made him continue, and apparently gave him an idea, as he began to tickle my ribs underneath my hoodie. I tried to push him off as I began to laugh, becoming more panicky, "Wait... No! Kevin stop! Stop, please!"

He paused for a second, looking down at me as my cheeks flushed, before continuing all over again. I scream laughed, making him chuckle as he poked at my sides. I began another stream of dismayed yells when someone burst through the door,

"KEVIN!" A female voice yelled, a mix of fear and malice that brought us to a startling vault.

My eyes widened, genuinely pushing Kevin's chest away for once as I caught sight of Eva in the doorway, her eyes wide with horror. Kevin pulled away from me, turning around with a look of annoyance at being interrupted,

Eva  flicked on the light switch, eyeing the scene with a mix of confusion and relief. Her chest was breathing heavily as she clutched it, and part of me wondered what was racing through her head,

"Oh... my," She closed her eyes for a second, before opening them and looking at Kevin, "I'm... so sorry, I thought..." I watched as Kevin recovered from the shock, feeling the tension stir up between them,

"What the hell?" He said rather calmly, running a hand through his hair, "Did you think I was killing her or something?"

Eva hesitated, before shaking her head, her grip on the doorknob loosening. The action itself spoke volumes, and Kevin began to laugh. I could hear the mocking tone in it, much more harsh than any tease he had ever thrown towards me,

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