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I went to bed thinking about the only topic I wanted to avoid, Kevin. I couldn't understand why, but he had taken up my focus entirely, and I didn't like it.

I couldn't understand him, not yet at least, and he seemed to already get a sense of me. I ran a hand through my hair, sighing as I looked up at the ceiling of my room. I had two choices, and one of them didn't even seem like an option.

Entertain him for awhile, at least until he gets bored, or ignore him. He'd have to stop eventually, wouldn't he?

I pulled my covers up, sighing and closing my eyes. It was too much to think of this all in one day, I would have to face it in the morning. For now, Kevin Khatchadourian was just my neighbor... who tried to kiss me, and that's all he could be if I wanted to remain sane.

Tomorrow, I guess I would see.


Waking up was as troubling as I expected. I spent my morning thinking about ways to ignore Kevin, or alternatively, start a conversation. Something told me not to entertain him, that he was just using me because he had nothing better to do. The other part of me wondered how long I had until he was bored, and how much I could learn about him until then.

Maybe, in portions, this friendship would be fine. I didn't have to let him figure me out so quickly, anyway.

I tied my hair up into a quick ponytail, settling for black ripped jeans and a white shirt. I did mascara, the usual amount of makeup I was used to, and grabbed my bag. I put on some doc martins and headed out, knowing that Aunt Lara had left by now for work.

I headed out to the car, locking the door behind me. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck begin to rise, and looked to the left, the house where the infuriating anomaly lived. I was greeted by Kevin looking at me, his bag over his shoulder. He wore dark jeans and a white t-shirt, short enough that it showed his midriff if he moved the right way.

I couldn't help but feel it was intentional, knowing his mother probably had better shirts for him. He seemed like the type to defy her like that.

My eyes met his, but his face remained cold. I stared back, holding his gaze for a few seconds before looking away.

He was mad-dogging me, out of no where.

I tried to ignore it now as I headed towards my car, getting inside and looking into the rear view mirror. I got a glimpse of him, and sighed.

I wasn't going to let him ruin my day. I started the car and drove away, realizing that toiling over every little thing he did, I would lose my mind.

I got to school faster than I expected, heading to my locker and my next classes with ease. My only problem was lunch. I didn't get hungry, and I didn't have anymore advisors to meet with. What else could I do?

When the halls cleared and everyone seemed to be eating, or doing god knows what, I decided to grab my things so I could wander around for a bit.

I was headed towards my locker, about to dump all my things when I saw a not-so unfamiliar face. I stopped in my tracks, blinking for a second to make sure it was him. I considered turning around and walking in the other direction. Unluckily enough, he saw me first, and eyed me as I began to trudge over.

He said nothing, until I unlocked my locker and began placing my things inside,

"Hey, sweet cheeks," I stayed silent, rolling my eyes as I continued putting my books in, humor was still in his voice as he continued, "Oh come on, not even a hello? After yesterday? I'm hurt."

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