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The week ended as simply as it could when you were involved with Kevin Khatchadourian.

Sam and I talked, only slightly, in class. It never got further than small talk, I realized, because he had nothing better to say now that I wasn't necessarily open to date. He was less interested, clearly, and I couldn't help but suspect Kevin had something to do with it. Still, I tried to ignore the notion, deciding I would rather make friends who weren't hormone-controlled.

Thursday was as insult-filled as usual, but I had too much homework to go over to Kevin's house, so I promised him I would today. And he wasn't willing to let me forget it.

As the bell rang, allowing us go home, I was making my way over to my locker when he intercepted me midway. He had a smirk on his face, which I took as a sign that he was glad to see me. Wether it was because he knew he would get the chance to annoy me or not, I didn't quite know.

"You're still heading over, right Cooper?" I nodded, rolling my eyes as I looked at him, wondering what he could be so excited about,

"You have something planned, tell me." I said, my voice ridden with suspicion as we got to my locker and he stood beside me, opening his own. He feigned innocence, raising a brow,

"What do you mean? I just want to hang out with my friend," He smiled, his dimples showing for only a few seconds before his lips returned to their cocky smirk, "alone."

I shook my head, a laugh leaving me as I realized what he was getting at,

"Relax, Robin Hood, you're not getting anything special." I closed my locker, pulling my bag over my shoulder as I waited for him to finish. He did, soon enough, rolling his eyes as he closed his and turned to me,

"I'm getting you, aren't I?" I pretended to gag, hearing him chuckle as he continued, "And, we have the house to ourselves for a few hours. My parents are taking Celia, it'll be great."

We turned and headed towards the entrance. Kevin pushed the door open for me first, and I stepped through as I held back from making a comment. I still didn't understand how this got him into such a good mood, but I knew better than to question it further.

"Yes, perfect timing for you to teach me how to shoot an arrow, right at the bullseye, don't you think?" This time, he scoffed, eyeing me like I was a child,

"You wish, sweet cheeks. At most, you might hit the target, with some help of course." I rolled my eyes, unlocking the car as we got to it and getting inside.

"You're a dick." I murmured, closing my door and pulling my phone from my pocket. There was a text from Aunt Lara, letting me know she'd be working late until nine. I texted her back, letting her know I'd be at Kevin's.

She was itching to meet him, wanting to meet the boy who had gotten my attention so quickly. I tried to warn her not to get her hopes up, but that didn't really stop her. I put my keys into ignition, catching Kevin looking over my shoulder as I placed my phone down and glanced at him,

"Invade my privacy much? You don't see me looking at your phone." He smirked, picking up my phone and seeing that it was still unlocked. He went to my contacts, putting in his number and shutting my phone off for me,

"I wanted to see if you lied to your aunt." I rolled my eyes, deciding to focus on the road, "And, you can look, all you'll do is find porn." He said it so casually, I wanted to punch him in the arm. Instead, I just focused on getting us home in one piece,

"You're obsessed, I bet you can't even go a week without... you know.." Kevin chuckled, running a hand through his hair and replying almost immediately,

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