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I tugged on the edges of the jacket for comfort, feeling the windchill as it crept along my neck. It threatened to break through the thick material, but I tried to ignore it as Kevin closed the car door and treaded over to me.

I studied him carefully, trying to get any sense of where we were going from here. Would we take a stereotypical stroll through the park? Visit a secret spot that was only his? Somehow, find a lake or pond or river, and have a freezing skinny dipping session?

I didn't know.

Kevin's features gave no clues either. I watched him through hooded eyes as he approached and smiled at me. He licked his lips as the wind blew past us, and without a word, leaned down. I felt his hands grasp my chin, tugging my willing head up as our lips met.

It was a quick peck.

My throat felt cold. Vacant. Without the feeling of his touch there. A sick little adverse effect of our time spent in the car. As Kevin's lips pulled away from mine I sighed,

"I don't understand why we have to be outside." I huff, and I heard the deep chuckle in his chest,

"Pleasant things come to those who wait." I rolled my eyes, shoving him softly,

"I'm not pleasant. I don't want pleasant things." Kevin's eyebrow raised as he smirked down at me,

"Alright." He relented, "But be careful what you wish for." There was this dangerous glint in his eye that I was desperate to ignore. This amusement in his expression that wasn't normal. Not for us, at least.

It was like Kevin had started laughing at a joke I hadn't heard. He was no longer laughing with me, he was laughing at me.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand as Kevin stepped away.

Against every instinct in my body, I grasped his wrist. He glanced at me, but didn't stop me, instead letting me get tugged along as I followed him to the back of the car. I watched as Kevin popped the trunk open. I slipped my hand off his wrist amidst my curiosity, watching as he gripped the handle and pulled up the metal top.

There, in the trunk lay his bow and several arrows in their quiver.  In the corner I caught sight of his hand guard, and watched as Kevin's hands twitched to get it.

I gave a nervous chuckle, bumping my shoulder with his,

"What's this? My own private lesson?" I teased softly, glancing over. Kevin's smirk seemed irrelevant to my joke, and yet he looked at me,

"Something like that." He almost seemed to assure. I watched as he leaned forward, grabbing his bow as he felt the weight of it in his hands. I studied him, watching as his demeanor changed. Suddenly, this eager, uncertain energy I couldn't quite recognize became something more. More confident, dangerous.

I was watching Kevin change.

I felt myself take a step back instinctively, and then another, and another. Still watching, I saw Kevin reach for an arrow. He didn't pick up the whole quiver. No. A single arrow.

He grasped it in the other hand as he turned to me, still looking down and studying it. I gasped softly, my lips parting.

I resisted the urge to say his name. I felt it would only draw his attention back to me. And yet, he still looked up, and our eyes met.

Without another word, Kevin raised the bow and arrow, and aimed at me.

I felt my mouth go dry and heart race, as the alarm bells flooded into my brain and body.

Fight or flight.

Fight or flight.

My feet remained planted, as I forced myself to speak,

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