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Disclaimer: Some lewd content, not full lemon but pretty lemon overall. Do not read if sensitive.

An hour later, I was tucking Celia into bed when there was a soft knock at the door way. My eyes widened, turning around and bringing my finger to my lips, trying to keep Kevin from making anymore noise. For once, he listened, rolling his eyes and walking over.

He crossed his arms, standing beside the bed and watching her sleep for a second before looking at me,

"You got her to sleep." I nodded, standing up with a proud grin,

"Yes, all it took was to brush her hair until she drifted off and-" He gestured for us to leave the room before I continued, so I stood up, leaving her door half open before we were in the hallway.

We headed into his room. I was about to keep talking, when Kevin closed the door behind him,

"Finally." He muttered, running a hand through his hair as his eyes narrowed on me. He took a step towards me, his gaze going up and down as he bit his lip. I couldn't help but blush, taking a few steps back until I felt his bed behind me.

"Hey, you have this look in your eyes." I stuttered out, and he nodded, simply humming in response as he continued to move towards me.

I raised both hands as he got closer, placing them on his chest when he got too close. I could see the impatience in his eyes, and I couldn't help but start talking,

"I just want to make sure we both know where my limits are an-" He grabbed both my wrists, moving them away and leaning down to look at me closer,

"This is the one time, darling, where I'm gonna have to ask you to shut up, and sit down." I gulped, actually going silent for the first time in this convoluted relationship. I sat down, and he only got closer, letting go of my wrists and placing both of his hands at either side. I move back onto the bed, turning as he moved on top of me.

It was, genuinely, the dumbest thing I could do.

Kevin was now, quite literally, straddling me, only his hands holding himself up as I looked up into his eyes. Our lips brushed, and I let out a soft exhale, realizing I might as well playing into this fantasy for myself as he leaned down and our lips met. I looped my arms around his neck, my fingers entangling themselves his hair as he ravaged my lips. I parted my lips, feeling his tongue slip in, exploring every part of the sharp tongue that loved to insult him.

He pressed himself into me, his waist thrusting through the thin fabric between us even as he pulled away, our breaths heavy as I gasped softly. My chest rose and fell, making me realize how small I really was beneath him. I didn't have much time to contemplate it as his lips smashed into mine once more. This time he was sucking, biting, and harassing my bottom lip as I moaned softly. I felt him smirk, glad to see he was guaranteed an upper hand as one of his hands moved down, gripping and caressing my inner thigh.

We moved against each other, some sort of teenage high made us desperate to touch skin. And it controlled every moment. In the commotion, I found myself pulling off his shirt and he managed my hoodie over my head. He reaching towards my bra, but I managed to snap out of it, stopping him with a soft gasp as my hand went over his. He understood, in our own silent language, pulling away and looking down at me. I wanted to hide, too scared of the possibility that his eyes had gotten used to the darkness, and he could see everything. Every imperfection I hated, and even the ones I could not see,

"Is... this okay?" He asked softly, as if he to make sure. The caring tone in his voice only made me want to go further. For a few moments, I didn't care about being so vulnerable. For few moments, I knew this was ours, and ours only.

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