Part 25 - Blood and tears

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No one POV-
" Hello my dear old 'friends'~ "
As soon at the villain spoke the hero's all knew who is was....
" B-Bakugou?... "
the students just look broken and not on earth as bakugous smile fades into a blank dead face with anger leaking through her cold stare.
Once the hero's snap back into reality the villains and namus are all already running towards the hero's.
One of the teachers yelled as bakugou let out a laugh that puts all Dominic, sinister or evil laughs to shame, then she just turns around and walked into the crowd of villains as they brake out into a fight.
Kirishima trys to yell out to the girl but was hit in the stomach, sending him flying into the wall with a big crash as he came in contact with the wall, sending dust and bits of brick fly everywhere.
The other hero's and pro hero's are fighting the rest of the villains, they are only halfway through the mob of villains and half of the class are already taken out.
Bakugou just watched as her former classmates suffer in front of her, she just smirks and lets out another laugh as she starts walking away from the battle not wanting to waist her energy on pathetic weak 'hero's' she is waiting for someone else.
But not before she hears someone call out to her along with multiple fast approaching running footsteps, bakugou turns around as she faces some of her past classmates.
" bakugou wait! Don't do this! Come back with us! They are using you! PLEASE! "
One of the students call out to her as she just stands there.

Dabi POV-
I watch the battle below me with a big smirk, then I noticed some of the students made it through the mob of villains and are now running towards my kitten, I growl as I jump down from the top of the gate and land down next to my kitten.
The red head shouts at me as he activated his quirk to look more threatening, pathetic.
I just smirk and hold my kitten in my arms letting flames show on my body and clothes.
" I don't think I will. What are you going to do about it? "
I can see the 'hero's' all get into a fighting stance and I let go of my kitten walking towards them with my quirk getting more and more powerful every step I take.
I see the 'hero's' all tense up and I let out a smug laugh.
" what's wrong 'hero's'? Not going to fight me!? Or are you just scared!? "
I yell at them as I send my fire towards them in a fireball, they all yell and gasp as the 'hero's' all jump out of the way.
I know I missed them but that might encourage them to fight, and I'm right.
Once the fake hero's all get up multiple of them run at me, I have an idea.
I smirk as I let them hit me with there weak quirks, first it was a hit to the chest that sent me flying then a ice quirk trapped me in mid air.
One of the 'hero's' yell at me but I just give them a smirk as I look to my kitten.
Holy fuck...

No one POV-
As the hero's deal with dabi they didn't even notice bakugou standing there looking to them.
They all froze in fear as Bakugou looked at them with so much hate, so much anger, so much bloodlust that it even scared dabi.
" I know. But she can. "
Dabi smirks as the hero's all looked to bakugou as her eyes glow red, her body did the same glowing with a mix of bright and bark blues.
" how... DARE YOU!! "
She let out a scream that shock the ground below as her hair started to float up in the air.
After a second of ground shaking and screaming it suddenly stopped and the hero's looked at the very angry, out of control villain as she looked back at them with a blank dead expression.
Bakugou then started walking, then she broke out in a sprint as she ran towards the hero's with no emotion showing on her face.
The hero's all step back then they to started to run, all the sudden something ran past the hero's making them stop in place as all might ran towards bakugou, she smiled.
As soon as the two where close enough they both held out there fists and punched each other at the same time making a shock wave, sending everyone and everything flying.
Once the dust cleared the hero's all looked to the two fighting, and what they see shocked them...
All might was loosing...
Bakugou and all might where having a all out fight as they hit each other over and over again, all might using all his strength and bakugou just taking the blows and returning them with twice as much power.
The battle went on with the other villains and hero's but soon ended when the hero's had taken out all the villains and are now all watching in shock as bakugou with the biggest smile in her face beat the crap out of the number one hero.
Bakugou yelled as all might stud there almost all out of power, but all might had one last go at taking out bakugou as he yelled back at her as he ran towards the now blank face villain.
All the hero's ran for cover, when all might was about three meters away from bakugou he hit her in the stomach with everything he had.
"SMASH!!! "
He yelled as streams of colourful lights, dust, dirt and smoke filled the air as a loud boom that could be heard from miles away made another shockwave, blowing everything away.
" good bye... all might... "
Bakugou whispers as she rises her arm putting her hand to all might chest, she let out a beam of blue light that pierced though his chest making a large hole, as he coughs up blood all over her he falls to the ground with a thud.
There was screaming and crying coming from behind bakugou and she turns her body slightly as izuku ran fast towards bakugou with tears in his eyes and his quirk activated as green lightning surrounds his body.
Bakugou tuns her head to face him with tears in her eyes, izuku stopped before he was even close to her and looked to her with wide eyes.
" "
Bakugou breaths out with a frown before her face turns back into a blank dead expression as she fell to the ground unconscious.
Izuku yelled but before he could get to her a portal opens and dabi steps out smirking as he pics bakugou up off the ground.
" you have no chance against us now. Give up already. you will never get her back. "
The villain gave the hero one last glair before walking back into the portal with bakugou in his arms.
Izuku screams as he used his quirk to run faster towards the portal, but he was to late the portal closed and bakugou was gone, Again...
Izuku scrambled over to all might and cried and screamed over his body as it lay lifeless on the ground.

I'm not good at fight scenes but I think I did ok...
And I so sad writing this chapter...
but bakugou is now the most dangerous villain in the world...
What will the hero's do?
Can they save bakugou?
Will they save bakugou?

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