Part 3 - Hes a what now!?

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No one POV

Deku and the group he is with are outside the buildings looking around for any people that might have been there for the villain attack when kirishima ran out looking panicked but calm at the same time as he ran to the others they noticed he was carrying someone as he got closer they could see it was bakugou but he looked different, they where about to stop him and ask what happened when kirishima yelled out.
He ran up to the group and stopped in front of them a little out of breath still holding a unconscious bakugou in his arms, they didn't stop to talk about what happened they just ran to get izawa ( AN I don't know how to spell his name and tbh I'm to lazy to find out.. )
As soon as they found him the sleepyhead teacher came over and looked at bakugou.
" take him to recovery girl. " He said a tiredly but a hint of concern in his voice, he pointing to an opening to a building where she was as they where walking there deku looked at bakugou and raised an eyebrow.
" doesn't kacchan look different? "
The others looked at him and they all hummed or nodded in response. They soon came to recovery girl and she said to put him on the bed that was on the ground, kirishima did so and put him gently on the ground, RG came over and looked at him and kissed his forehead softly then backed away.
" he seems to have a quirk change him his body was heated up but he seems to be ok! " everyone sighed.
" but I don't think he will like the result.. "
She sighed and walks away.
" Wait- What results!? What happened to him!? "
Kirishima yelled with concern.
" well he is not a him anymore he is a she... "
She looked back then began to walk away again. Everyone was shocked some of them gasped as they looked back to bakugou as he or should I say she started to come to. Bakugou sat up slowly and rubs her head then she looks at to shocked faces.
" what are you all looking at? " Baku said then after hearing her own voice she put her hand to her mouth then stud up as she looked at the others she felt smaller, she looked up at the others and her eyes widened.
She screamed and walked back a little as the others tried to speak but she felt her clothes move she looked down and they where digger on her not like before, she also realised that her chest was bigger then normal she felt her body then her hair she looked back at the others shocked. They all looked at each other not knowing what to do when meneta came up behind bakugou and yanked at her shirt that fell off right away she gasped and blushed then turned around and kicked him in the face into the wall as she covers her chest and turns around to see most of the boys blushing and some of the girls to.
She yells as someone put a jacket over her it was todoroki she looked at him then back to the others.
" bakugou you where hit with a quirk and now you are a girl. " todoroki said bluntly with his normal face on but a little hint of pink was dusted on his cheeks.
Bakugou didn't believe it her hind shut down and she fell to the ground but didn't hit it.

Welp that was fun.....  .-.
Who got to bakugou before she hit the ground?

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