Part 2 - bakugou?

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Baku POV

-Before the villain appeared-
' When will this day be over?... ' I thought as I walked with these three idiots fucking shitty hair, tape bitch and pinky I don't hate these three but oh my god they annoy me sometimes! I sigh as i try to walk faster but no instead pink bitch jumps on me and wraps around me holding on tight I let out a soft sigh and keep on walking because I don't want to wast energy trying to get her off of me, I laugh a little as shitty hair and tape bitch are trying to get her off yelling that I might blast her I was but I didn't want to, as I walked I herd fast footsteps coming towards me and I turned around but not quick enough apparently because the next thing I knew was that I was on the floor and on top of me where three laughing idiots I was going to blast them to next week when shitty hair spoke well wines at me.
" aww!! Bakubro why don't you let me have piggyback rides!? " he wines to me as he stands up helping the other off me, I could fucking breath again so I slowly got up as I catch my breath.
" that's because you are a littoral rock Kirishima!! "
I yelled at him and he just wined more and pouts, heh cute, I crossed my arms as I looked behind them and saw a fast approaching figure my eyes open wide as I quickly move behind pinky before the villain could get to her as he jumped a saw a purple liquid come at me as it splashes all over my body, it fucking BURNED!, I got on my knees as pain caused thru my body all I could see was black as I blacked out and fell to the ground with a thud.

Kiri POV

All I saw was bakugou hit the ground with the purple liquid all over him I rushed over to see if he was ok but when I looked at him he seemed different.
" bakugou? "
he was smaller and his hair was grown out a little I didn't pay any mind to it I just picked him up bridle style and ran to ding a teacher with Mina and sero following behind me with the villain.

Well that was short I have no words...
Author out!

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