"What the hell are you doing?" John asked shoving himself to his feet.

Ford was just as relaxed as he had been before. "McKay's going to stay here while we complete the op. Take him!" Ford ordered and two of his men broke off dragging McKay back towards the cave.

"Wait!" McKay called helplessly, but the enzyme laced soldiers dragged him mercilessly away.

"That wasn't part of the plan," Sheppard growled.

Ford turned hard, angry eyes on Sheppard. "Neither was you heading back to Atlantis," he snapped. "You didn't really buy the whole 'I wanna go home' speech did you? Huh?" he challenged with a derisive snort.

Kanayo and his men had already disarmed Ronon and Teyla. He moved to Kai and began pulling knives.

"You always underestimated me Sheppard, you need to stop doing that," Ford advised calmly as he watched Kanayo search Kai with a little more enthusiasm than was necessary. "Complete the mission and McKay lives," he said with a shrug. "Course if you don't...I'll put a bullet in McKay and shoot Kai full of a double dose of enzyme and make you watch her die."

John had kept a lid on his temper the whole time Kanayo searched Kai but he saw red when Ford threatened her again. He shoved himself to his feet, leaning into Ford's space. "We can't complete the mission Ford. It's a bad plan!"

"You said it was a great plan," Ford snapped dismissively as though John were just trying to hurt his feelings.

John scoffed. "You didn't buy the whole 'It's a great plan' speech did you?" John asked throwing Ford's words back in his face.

Ford's confidence faltered for only a second. "Get this dart in the air and come scoop us up," he ordered, then he paused and turned back to Sheppard. "Oh and the dart DHD will only dial to the planet we're going to and back here. Jace made sure of it," Ford snorted. "Just in case McKay's life isn't enough motivation to get you to do the right thing."

"Aidan, what are you doing?" Teyla asked stopping him.

Ford looked down at Teyla and for just a second his expression softened. "Just making sure you guys are holding up your end of the bargain," he explained like it made perfect sense. He turned to his men. "Give them back their weapons," Ford ordered.

"Are you sure?" Kanayo asked, his eyes cutting to where Kai stood her hands on her hips as she glared daggers at Kanayo.

Ford looked at Kai and a pleased smile stretched his scared face, as though she were somehow being adorable. "Yes. If we're going to do this we all need to work together," he said as his men handed back the weapons.

It was almost comical how long it took for Kai to put all of her knives back where they went. John watched her with a sort of pride, but she didn't take her eyes off of Kanayo. If he wasn't careful he was going to end up with a knife in the neck in the back hallway of the hive.

Ford shook his head as he watched her as well. He glanced at The Colonel, it was impossible to miss Sheppard's admiration for The Mortii. It was good, it was a sure fire way to control both of them despite neither being on the enzyme. "Good luck to us all," Ford called and he stepped clear of the dart.

John's jaw was set like stone as he activated the dart. "Stand by for pickup," he called through the radio. He closed the canopy and lifted off. The dart wasn't as intuitive as the jumpers but by the time he had swung it around for pick up he had a hang of the controls.

This was such a bad idea.


Back on Atlantis Doctor Weir stood in front of Major Lorne in her office. "And you didn't see who attacked you?" Weir asked.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now