Part 2-pretty face but nasty attitude

Start from the beginning

"Come." I said as i pulled her in, i took out a tissue paper and gave it to her , all this without realising in the world that i was still holding her hand

" I said as i pulled her in, i took out a tissue paper and gave it to her , all this without realising in the world that i was still holding her hand

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"Uh.." she looked at my hand
"Oh i am sorry." I said as let go of her hand

Brain: looks who is getting nervous now
Me: just shut up ok

She wiped her tears as she sat down ..
"Look i am sorry." I said as i sat on my seat

"If you weren't handsome, i would have left a long time ago." She furrowed
"Wait - what?? H-handsome?me??" I pointed to myself completely surprised by what she said

I mean i knew i was handsome but from someone like her....

"Yaah-don't get the wrong idea and work." She said in a demanding tone
"Why would i? You aren't the first person who complemented me so yeah.." i said as i pulled my collars...

"Anyways listen , i want to know the police officers who found your husband's body, i need to know where they found it

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"Anyways listen , i want to know the police officers who found your husband's body, i need to know where they found it." I said scanning her eyes to which she agreed ..

"Lets go." I said as i took my car keys ..
The journey to the car was silent as we drove to the police station

I parked my car as we got out of the car...
Having a stern and straight expression on my face i went inside

U gotta have a stern expression when you talk to police people

"Hello i am Lawyer Kim Seokjin and i am here to ask some questions" i said as i pulled out my ID card and showed him

"Hello i am Lawyer Kim Seokjin and i am here to ask some questions" i said as i pulled out my ID card and showed him

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"Regarding?" The officer on desk raised his eyebrow
"Regarding the accident that happened 3 days ago" i stated

He turned around and motioned the guard , the guard nodded and went away
"Wait , they are coming ."
After a while 2 grumpy looking officers came
"Yes?" They said as they faced us
"Were they the one?" I asked y/n to which she nodded
"I am Park y/n-shi 's Lawyer , Seokjin . I am here to ask you some questions." I said as they gave a nod

"Were you the ones present at the accident scene?" I asked to which they nodded
"So did you found the body yourself or did someone call you?" I asked
"Well someone called us"
"Oh okay and where did the accident happen?" I asked
"At the Highway, main highway." They answered
"Did you husband usually take the highway rote?" I asked y/n as i looked at her
"Yes he did." She answered

"Can you tell more about it ?" I asked looking at the men
"After the call we went to the spot , seems like the person had called the ambulance too, by the time we reached there the ambulance had arrived too , there was no one else , just a random crowd which surrounded the whole scene."
"Did you see any car?"
"No there was no car except those that belong to other people , there was no sign of any damaged car nearby." They stated
"What about the person who called you?" I asked
"Well he wasn't there, we asked who it was but the person either didn't show up or wasn't there." They said..
"Okay thanks,We might disturb you again."i said
"Sure no problem." He smiled as we made our way to..
"Should i drop you home?" I asked her as i turned my steering wheel

No answer

"Guide me the way so i drop you." I said

Still no answer

I finally brought the car to a halt as i waved in front of her
She finally came back from whichever world she was in
"Whats wrong?" I asked as i saw her anxious eyes
"Uh-that officer said that there was no car present right?" She paused for a while before continuing "but Min took his car that day, he always did.. he used to go by his own car." She stated

"Could it be that by the time the police arrived someone stole it or you know stole its parts." I said
"Yeah that could be since it was a very expensive car." She stated

"Can you drive us to the City Hospital?"
"I want to check something." She spoke


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