I have too much pride to admit that I was upset knowing Lauren wasn't mine anymore. But acting like we were.

Would she love me less is she knew the damage I've done. I ask myself watching the girls change to clothes to go out on the town.

I look down at the hand placed on my shoulder. It was very noticeably Lauren's and I looked down and sighed.

I flopped back into the couch and hummed along to the music playing loud but quiet enough.

Lauren talking to people who asked her questions but keeping her hand on my shoulder.

I looked at her outfit over my shoulder.

My old demin jacket with a black tubetop. A clean and hole-less pair of black jeans with matching boots.

She stood off to the side so I got to see her clearly. I smirked and grabbed her by a beltloop. I pulled her to sit on the arm rest next to me.

She did just that and I slipped my hand around her exposed waist. The 2 oldest and Amy said they were heading to the hotel. Leaving Lauren, Dani, Lisa, and me.

I smirked up at her and mouthed club. She nodded and I smiled.

I gripped her waist a little tighter and she moved into my shoulder kind of. The girls not going with us grabbed what they needed and left within 10 mintues with security.

The rest of us piled in a security van and left to the nearest club. I kept my hand on Lauren's thigh and bounced my own leg.

We pulled up behind the club. I quickly remember they are all a-list celebrities going into a club.

I get out first helping all the girls out and quickly catching up to Lauren, wrapping a firm grip around her waist before she could even get 15 feet away from me.

She looked up at me and I just kept a stone face. Thanking the man holding the door open. Once we got inside the smell of alcohol and sweat quickly took over all my senses.

I pulled Lauren closer to me and lead us to the bar. The girls ordered drinks and I just got a water.

The booming music was insanely deafening.

"Why aren't you drinking" I heard Lauren yell into my ear that only came out as a whisper to me.

I got next to her ear and pushed back her hair. My lips touching her ear as I told her that I was going to watch over her.

She smiled and pecked my cheek before taking back 2 shots and pulling me to the dance floor.

Like expected a pop mexican started playing. Lauren wrapped her arm around my neck and we slowly moved with each other.

We did this for a few songs before we slowly got right next to each other. I looked over at Lisa dancing with a guy near us and Dani chatting with the bartender.

"Your sisters are having fun" I shrugged at them making Lauren look around.

"Now time for us"

As a faster song started she turned around and slowly started grinding on my front. I gasped and moved a hand down to her hip and directed her.

We were surrounded by peole doing the same thing causing me to be less tense and relaxed.

I ducked my head into Lauren's neck and started sucking on different spots. Our breathing being rapid.

I spun her around and smashed our lips together. I stopped and grabbed her arm. Taking the guards keys as he was staring at a girl.

It didn't do anything fancy, just unhooked then from his beltloop. I quickly unlocked the employees bathroom and pulled Lauren in. Turning on the light and lifting her up on the counter.

I fixed up my hair and grabbed Lauren's jacket putting it over her shoulders.

I smirked and chuckled causing me to get a hit to the shoulder. I mumbled worth it under my breath.

She chuckled herself and I mocking her, hit her shoulder.

"Well that was sobering" I laughed at her and opened the door, letting her out. I threw the keys down the hallway at the extremely panicked guard patting a man.

Not close enough for him to notice it was me. They slid down the floor and I grabbed them looking around before going to the guard.

I pointed to the floor and he grabbed them out of my hand and thanked me.

I looked around to find my girlfr- my friend. Lauren was next to Dani and Lisa at the bar.

I quickly dodged through horny men and girls moving my way. I finally get over to the girls circle. None of them seeming too drunk. More tipsy besides Lisa.

I asked if they wanted to go eat and they all yelled yes. I chuckled and lead the girls out of the club. Them giving their numbers to the people they were talking to.

We went out the front and Lauren grabbed and pulled her IPhone 7 out which I grabbed and put in my back pocket.

"This is going to be y'all first night on the town. Come on"

I threw my arms over Lauren's and Lisa shoulders and we all laughed out asses off as we walked around to find a open restaurant.

We walked in to one about 2 miles away and the girls were so excited for some Mexican food.

They all order and I made sure they only got water to drink. "What a mom Asher has became"

I rolled my eyes at Dani's comment and I watched the news that was playing on the small television in the corner kind of by itself.

I grabbed Lauren's phone out thinking it was mine and it unlocked with the fingerprint. But the wallpaper wasn't mine. I looked over at Lauren and blushed.

She scrunched her eyebrows at me being curious but I just closed her phone and handed it to over to her.

I pulled out mine and just stared at the time. It wasn't changing weirdly and I wasn't tired. But it seemed interesting.

"What are you looking at?"

Lauren peaked over my shoulder and I didnt hesitated to moved. "Ash, you okay"

I snapped out of it and looked over at Lauren. "Huh?"

"Are you okay?"

"Um yeah"

I gave her a fake smile and she shook her head. She slid out of the booth and pulled me along with her.

I didn't fight her and I quickly followed her without question.

She pulled me into the bathroom and let the push open door close.

I moved and let my body rest on the counter full of sinks. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair as I shook my head.

"What's going on Asher?"

I laughed knowing she didnt want the real answer. I mumbled nothing under my breath as I felt myself becoming more angry at myself.

She continued asking. I knew she wasn't going to back down. I kept saying nothing.

She walked in between my legs and grabbed my face in her hands. She made me look down at her.

I swallowed as she asked me again. Our breathing being the only thing to surround us.

"I fucking love you okay Lauren. I thought coming here would be the closure I needed but coming here showed that I'm not over you. Not even close. And it fucking fucking sucks that I'm sitting here knowing we can't be anything! But we are kissing and acting the way we used to, its so confusing and upsetting because I don't want to just be your friend! What if. What if I never get over you."

Tears rolls down my face as I couldn't hold it in. Lauren wipes them away before looking back at my eyes.

I shifted and looked down at the floor. The tension between us slowly building.

"Who said we can't be anything."

You've Been The Change (Lauren Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now