worth the wait?

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July 16.

Cimorelli was in South America and I was about to be on a flight to Brazil. I felt like I wanted to surprise the girls.

I mean the whole fandom thinks me and Christian are dating aswell. So might want to destory those rumors.

We have been hanging out everyday recently but that's because it's at the worst part of him quitting his addiction. He was forced to go cold turkey.

I told him I'd be there for him and I kept my word. I also told him about surprising his sisters. It was going to be hard.

Fans are everywhere but because the girls are in the middle of the tour. But they are busy and have no free time until after Brazil. So I might get away with it. The meet and greet was going to be the worst.

I need to be the last person and I have to show up late so I can be the last person.

You might ask why I was going. And honestly I missed all the girls. And they seem to miss me. They seemed so upset when their break got pushed back until September.

I mean. With the extension of the tour it was bound to happen. I think missing home is taking the most toll on Amy more than anyone.

I guess it has always been hard for her. She misses home and her family. She doesn't like being away from everyone. I get that.

Lauren seems to enjoy touring and meeting everyone. I guess it was we broke up. I would have more hurt now then I was before.

I don't even fully believe Lauren didn't cheat up I have to take her word for it.

it's not u it's me

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it's not u it's me

@laurencim - 'im the only one i need'

I snickered in the airport at Lauren's stupid comment. It's been my first post since The City has came out. So about 2 months.

I mean the people who actually matter had my number and Snapchat so it didn't matter.

The Sad Girls Club did drop about a month into the girls tour which I kind of blew over. I knew Blue was about me. She told me the day it dropped. But it was hard to avoid. It's a multi-platinum album.

I would have found out anyways honestly. The blue eyes and the joke that I did on one of our dates with the vans.

Showing her to play my nintendo and my childhood dream of wanting to be in a punk band so I could travel the world. God when I was played my xylophone because she told me she didn't think I knew how to play it.

I started remembering standing behind her rubbing my rough hands over her soft arms, showing her to play it. Me laughing at how confused she got.

Her fear about me quitting in the relationship because of how big she was and the tour. Me telling her how no matter how close we were we would be practically strangers.

Me complaining about how boring Nashville was and how I couldn't wait to travel to world. See different places.

Making her change her idea about relationships and making sure she doesnt doubt us the way sh-

The calling for my flight went over the system thing. I got up and checked in my ticket. She smile and pointed to go through the terminal.

I nodded and flashed back a smile. I grabbed my carryon and made my way to my flight.

The hours long flight made me the most jetlagged I've been. Which I don't fly often.

I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my carryon bag and waited to pick up my luggage. And unlile all those lame people mine came out first.

I hailed down a cab and gave him instructions to my hotel. It was about 9 at night and the girls were performing at 8 tommorow night.

I checked into my hotel and saw all the notifications from Instagram flow in. I saw a few Snapchats from the girls too.

It was just the girls spaming about how I wasn't responding to Lauren.

Yes. I'm still a dumb bitch and will drop everything to text that girl back. I sent a black snap to Lauren and told her I was okay.

She opened it within seconds causing me to laugh. She sent me a picture of her her all tired and said good and that she was going to sleep.

I didnt reply and started unloading all my shit and changed into some shorts and a sports bra.

It's hot.

I saw the bags under my eyes slowly going away from the depression of the relationship ending. I smiled and washed my face before heading to the uncomfortable hotel bed.

I slept until 3 pm. I am not ashamed.

I sat up out of my bed and grabbed my phone. Just to check my ticket and seat.

I put it down as I was always busy around 1 until 5 in Nashville. Which was around the time it was.

I got in the shower not blasting music this time, because you know. Hotel rules. I got out and went to see what clothes I packed.

I grabbed a sports bar and underwear that matched black.

A Nirvana shirt caught my eye as well as some black skinny jeans. I quickly put the clothes on and did my getting ready. Rolling up my sleeves on my shirt.

Changing out my stud to a black nose ring. My signature piece.

I grabbed my all leather black boots. And looked to see the on the click beside my bed.


Yes. I also procrastinate way too much.

"Fuck" I mumbled under my breath as the meet and greet started at 4:15.

I grabbed my phone and wallet off the counter that the tv was rested on. Rushing out of the hotel and quickly got a cab that was outside if the hotel.

I showed him the address and he nodded and headed on his way. My foot bouncing up and down in this man's car. My blue eyes looking at ever passing thing in the town.

It was absolutely beautiful. I looked at my phone and it was 4:27, and I'm almost there.

He pulled up to a curb and I smile at this man's perfect timing. I handed him a 50 dollar bill because his sign said he accepted them. The smile on this man's face was priceless.

I was glad he accepted us dollars bc I only had a very limited of Brazilian Reals.

I rushed up to the ticket booth and they scanned my ticket and handed me a pass and said I might want to quickly hurry.

I went through the detecters quickly and I saw them closing the door for the meet and greet. I rushed over as quick as I could and scanned my pass thing.

The guy rolled his eyes and slammed the door behind me. I sighed and kept my head down the whole time so no one could see me. I heard a few whispers and people saying I looked like me but I didnt react.

I spent what seemed the next turn hours in the back of the line slowly moving. It was only 6:17 though. These girls better feel lucky that I even waited this long.

"Hey kid hurry up."

A man's voice broke out and I realized I was the last person. I looked up and smirked.

"Man this line was long. I can't wait to just sit down." I heard Lauren say and man I got so many butterflies.

I stepped up and around this background and stood at the side.

"worth the wait?"

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