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Asher POV

To say my life was calm at the moment, that would be a lie. It's crazy and Lauren hasn't been able to hang out with anyone besides her sister. Their album was being finished and the only time I saw them was when I had to help them with a video.

Even during those times we really wouldn't talk either. Maybe I did something wrong or she just wants distance, so that's what I've been giving her.

I haven't been starting texts anymore and I haven't been hitting her up for plans, but she doesn't seem to be bothered. She'll go out on car rides with her friends and post all about it, but won't hit me back with who I can send the videos for her band to.

I'm not even like calm about it either, I've made songs and obviously started fighting again. Which seemingly is the only time she'll text me about, but not even text it's just a long paragraph about how I need to stop and I'm hurting her bands image.

I stopped opening any of her messages, but Dani is the only one of the sisters besides Christina who I'm still talking too. She's funny and a great girl just to be around. Which leads us here today.

Sitting in a jail room type thing with black skinny jeans and a blood covered white thrasher jumper. I was the only one in this box thing and I slowly felt safer in the room then anywhere else.

But let me tell you how this all fucking started.

It was the first day for me to be at school that week, and obviously it's a Thursday. Yes, I knew I was looked at but also nobody was going to touch me if they knew what was right.

No inoccent soul had been fucked up in 4 days and now I'm back. I knew the guys watch as I walked in and the girls tried to not be anywhere close to me. I came back for what seems like my 10th suspension of the month, but it was only my 4th.

That fucking bastard Toby or whatever his name walked into me an was automatically apologetic. But his words meant nothing when a elbow to the nose shattered it and his cheekbones in seconds.

I would have gotten away with that shit only if he didn't go to the fucking nurse at school.

No I didn't go to class and yes I still practiced softball. It's my only constant priority right now, and I'm already waiting for the text or maybe if im luck a call from Lauren for her to say I need to stop my shit. 

She only cared when it could hurt her image, but yet if I could do this without anyone knowing she'd be ecstatic.

She didn't care about me or the kid's hurt mmm she cares more about her this could portray her band as. I threw my phone against a locker and for a for a second I didn't even debate picking it up.

The screen protector was completely shattered and a bit of the actually screen was too. I just pulled of the protector and left to the roof.

I didn't care about my grades anymore and I still somehow passed my classes online. The bell for lunch rung and I slowly crept down the ladder into the cafeteria.

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