Chapter I

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Dean (POV)

"Dean wake up! Wake up!" My little brother was jumping on my bed trying to wake me up from a hard night of boring meetings and studying that my father made me do. I groaned and sat up in my queen sized bed, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"What Samuel?!" I shout and he shoves me.

"I told you to call me Sam! It's what everyone else is doing."

"Sam? But your name is Samuel." I grumble and he rolls his eyes.

"It's a shortened version of my name Dean, so it's easier to say. Everyone is doing it!"

"Oh really? What's mine then?" I grin at my little brother and he pouts his lips and raises his eyebrows slightly.

"You don't have one." He mocks and I roll my eyes


"Because your name is already short!" With that he jumps of my bed and out of the room quickly. But before he does he quickly shouts back; "Remember your ball is today!"

I groan loudly and rub my face. The stupid ball to help me find a "princess" was tonight and if I didn't choose one, one would have to be appointed to me. These were father’s rules and I hated them with a passion. All I wanted to do was go out and fight the damn demon war that was raging on in other countries. If there was something I hated more than my father’s rules, it was the angels. They killed my mother in cold blooded murder and it was safe to say that I wanted revenge the same as my father. However he wouldn’t tell me which angel killed her so I didn’t have any leads. The closest I have come to any angel is when they are cleaning room but these aren’t proper angels. They’re foot angels, unimportant and worthless. They are slaves and we rule over them easily enough. Ever since Crowley brought back the fallen star and melted it down to create a sort of powerful metal to make into chains for the Angels we have managed to capture thousands of them. Father didn’t need to hire other demons to work in the palace anymore as he had so many angels working for him that he had no need to hire demons. This cut back on a lot of labour costs for our kingdom and this is what I have been learning about in my studying and reading. I roll out of bed and pull on a tunic and a waistcoat before putting on a pair of fabric shoes. I wasn’t practicing my fighting methods today so I did not need to put on any chainmail or amour. My legs were pretty cold as the morning air got to them but I ignored the shivers and walked out of my bedroom door where two guards were stationed.

“Good morning Your Highness.” They both bowed low and I nodded in respect back to them.

“Good morning, do you have my timetable?” I ask. I hated having timetables that my father set me but if I wanted to become king then I would just have to except going by certain times due to meetings and proposals. One of the guards handed me a piece of parchment and I nodded my thanks to him before making my way down the long hallways, towards the great hall where my father was usually stationed. I heard some commotion going on down the hall, towards the kitchen. I stopped for a moment to see two people being dragged across the hall and down some cellar steps. I saw wings pop out of their backs, smacking and hitting the demons viciously but there were too many of them. They clamped down on their wings and the angels let out a shout of protest as they got dragged down the flight of stairs towards the slave quarters. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at the angels, didn’t they know their efforts were useless against us. Why try and fight and waste their energy when they know there is no hope for them. I entered the great hall from the side doors and walked over to my father who was sitting on the thrown, slumped over in his seat.

“Good morrow father.” I say politely and he looks up at me and nods.

“Good morrow son. Are you looking forwards to your ball tonight?” I grunted and sat by his feet. “What’s wrong?”

In Another Life || demonprince!dean/angelslave!castiel with Sabriel includedWhere stories live. Discover now