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The car ride was long, your limbs were sore and you felt groggy from your restless sleep, waking up every time the car stopped. You knew Jungkook wasn't fairing much better, rolling his neck out every now and then, cracking his knuckles when the car was stopped. By the time you saw the familiar structure of his family home, you couldn't have been more thankful, ready to climb into his bed and fall asleep.

 And you did exactly that, promising his family you would explain everything and answer their questions afterwards, the both of you falling less than gracefully onto his bed, your eyes shutting the second your heads hit the pillow and not reopening until the sun had gone down and come back up again.

You were bombarded with questions, about the hunters, about your trip, your stay, Jungkook's father mumbling some less than kinds of words when he heard about the hunters attacking Jungkook. Most of their questions were aimed towards you, their main concern is the fact that their son had been just a few minutes away from death when you'd run away. 

They wanted to know how to stop it, they wanted to know if Jungkook's father should go arrange a deal if there was some sort of bounty over your heads now. They seemed to jump over the fact that you were a hunter, with Jungkook's father making some comment about how he wouldn't forget you after what you'd for Jungkook, twice now.

Truthfully, you didn't know any of the answers. There was a large possibility there was some sort of bounty, you wouldn't have put it past your leader to set one. You didn't know if they still wanted Jungkook dead or if they just wanted you at that point.

 You were sure their pride was much more wounded by one of their own running off with a werewolf than the werewolf taking a couple of footsteps onto their territory. But you also knew they wouldn't take too kindly to Jungkook getting off completely free of punishments. You bet it would be another silver bullet scenario, another scar to add to Jungkook's list.

You took a deep breath before making your way into the building, the same one you had run away from with Jungkook, three months ago. Your pin was held tight in your hand, the small crescent moon pressing its imprint into your palm. 

You hadn't been greeted with open arms and, as you'd predicted, they asked you to either bring Jungkook back onto hunter territory and kill him or to hand in all of your weapons and resign yourself to living on the werewolf's side of the territory line. It was a decision you'd made long ago, making it easier to turn the box of weapons in, your pin neatly placed on top of it. By the end of the day, you were given a twenty-four-hour notice to pack your things and say your goodbyes.

As you'd expected, your parents didn't take it very well when they'd connected the dots, when they'd began to notice all of the features Jungkook shared with his father, the same broad build, the same dark hair, the same Alpha blood running through his veins. Their facial features were similar but Jungkook's had been altered, softened, by his mother's genetics, giving him some chance at not instantly being recognized as the Alpha's son. 

But once they knew, you could see all of the pieces coming together in their heads, the reason Jungkook rarely came over, the way he had always flinched when they'd shown him their hall of silver weapons, swords, daggers, arrows along with their accompanying bows. They hadn't disowned you but they hadn't exactly waved you off with smiles. They did, however, walk you back to the territory line, making some grumbled excuse about how they wanted to see Jungkook now that they knew, to see if it was all true.

He was waiting where he'd promised to though he'd quickly ducked to hide behind the tree he'd been leaning on when he'd seen the two other people with you. You'd seen Jungkook run faster than humanly possible and skid to a stop without an issue, you'd seen him balance himself on the tips of his toes of one foot, reaching to put that last box on top of the shelf, managing to not fall flat on his face.

 But at that moment, he seemed to have the same amount of grace as a baby giraffe, a muffled swear following the sound of his head hitting a low branch in his scramble to hide, making you roll your eyes. You eyed the unmarked territory line, knowing that after this day if you ever crossed it for anything that wasn't mandatory, you'd been given the same treatment as the werewolves.

"I know hunters aren't really allowed into the werewolves' territory but...they would make an exception if you wanted to visit." you hinted to your parents, hearing Jungkook give in and come back out, realizing there was no further point in hiding.

"Absolutely, any time. Our home is your home," he added, earning two icy looks and ducking his head back down, his hand ruffling his hair awkwardly.

"I hope you know what you're doing." was the only response before they both kissed your forehead, starting the walk back to your childhood home.

Jungkook's family took you in that same night, pushing Jungkook's clothes to one side of his closet, helping him empty out a few drawers to store your things. You knew the stay was temporary but it still warmed your heart, the feeling of family when you needed it the most. 

Jungkook had already begun to search for apartments, houses, anything that the two of you could afford. His family was obviously well known in the side of town, meaning it would take all of a week for the two of you to find a new place, with the number of connections he had. But for the meantime, they made you feel at home, they helped keep your mind off of things that troubled it, they kept you smiling.

His pack, now your pack, made a nearly overwhelming effort to keep you happy, offering advice, company, distractions. You remembered what Jungkook had once told you about feeling pain in the pack. If one was in pain, all of them were in pain. You saw the weight of his words during that week, seeing the way everyone made an effort to cheer your mood up whenever they saw you, offering food, bad jokes or just a shoulder to cry on.

 And when Jungkook had found your new home, they'd all been there, turning what could've taken days into just a few hours of work. Everyone was moving boxes, everyone was helping you set everything up, they all helped you paint the walls. In just two days, one of those days used up by letting the paint dry, you were fully moved into your new home, with a new key on your key chain and a new appreciation for teamwork.

As you watched Jungkook get ready for the day, having gotten right back into working at Yoongi's cafe, you realized you were okay. You weren't happy that your family currently considered you a traitor and that it would be at least a few months before any of them talked to you but you were healing from it. You could be patient with the situation because right now, you had one of the most beautiful men with the kindest heart stood in front of you, his eyes still heavy and his toothbrush frozen in his mouth as he tried to wake himself up. 

You had a home, a real home with him, with framed photos of the two of you on the wall, with stupidly cute post-it notes pressed to the mirror in the mornings, sending messages back and forth. You had someone waiting for you when you went home, you had someone to wait for when you got there before he did. You knew your family would come around but for now, you could let them have all the time they needed to adapt to the news because you had Jungkook there to keep a smile on your face, to help you up when you fell.

"Have I ever told you you're cute?"

"Only about fifty times today. I'm never wearing your hoodie again." 

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