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You had met him before you'd truly met him, an entire five years before you would know his name. It had been late at night, a full moon in the sky and the distant sounds of howls making your partner's nose wrinkle in disgust. Certain boundaries were placed to prevent an outright war, having both a pack of werewolves and a group of hunters in the same city. 

No one knew who got there first, who had claimed the land first but after enough attacks on both sides, there had to be a change. Neither party was willing to leave, both had already begun to form families and homes. Lines were drawn, territories were decided, the town split in half. The only exception for either side to cross said lines was school, for their children. It had been the generation of your grandparents that had formed the truce but the line was still being crossed.

After the howls grew too close for comfort, a few hunters had been sent out to see what all the noise was about. You were still being trained, your partner well into his thirties but one of the best hunters in your group. You didn't know much about werewolves yet, besides what they taught you in training, which was more focused on weak spots, how to get away from in emergencies and how to kill them in dire emergencies. 

You knew their blind spots sure, but you had never seen one in person until that night. You weren't sure whether the movies were right, whether there was upright fur-covered human with elongated jaws and snouts or whether they roamed around as wolves, whether they were truly animals when they shifted or whether they still had their humanity.

But you most definitely weren't expecting to see a teenage boy, a boy who couldn't have been older than fifteen, desperately trying to pull his leg out of a bear trap. You hadn't been able to see much of his face due to the hoodie he wore but it was easy to see the panic in his body, his hands attempting to pry the trap apart. 

He didn't look like an animal at all, he looked like a kid who hadn't looked where he was going and had gotten caught in a trap that wasn't meant for him. But your partner refused to release your arm from his grip, refused to let you help him, only continuing to pull you towards him as he pulled the long silver-coated sword out of its sheath, advising you to do the same.

"What are you talking about?! He's not one of them, even if he is, he doesn't deserve to be killed like this," you argued, refusing to acknowledge the weapon you were still be trained on how to use, attached to your hip.

"Look at his eyes."

You only glared at your partner before focusing your attention on the still frantic boy, noticing a flash of a bright amber when he looked around for help. You were suddenly pulled to a stop, pushed behind a tree, a hissed "hide!" being whispered in your direction before your partner did the same behind the tree next to yours. 

You listened, tearing up with frustration when you heard the boy call out again, crying out for help. You couldn't help but peek around the tree, your eyes widening when you realized you saw a large figure appear behind the boy, a deep growl coming from it. The boy didn't panic at the noise but he did flinch, slouching as his hands stopped their attempts, as if he was preparing to be scolded.

You heard the cracking of bones, joints popping back into place as the boy remained still, his head hung low and the bottom of his jeans torn and stained in red. Your partner had been right. The boy was either a werewolf or a human in the pack because a face you did recognize, the face of the pack's leader, appeared behind the boy, behind the invisible line that kept the peace between the hunters and the werewolves. He was careful not to step over it, nearly burning a hole into the back of the boy's head with his glare.

"What did you do?" His voice held a growl to it, not completely human.

"I-I'm sorry. I just, I dropped my phone and it was just a few steps past the line but I stepped on a-"

"What do you think would happen if one of them saw you like this? What if I hadn't gotten to you first?"

"You didn't." your partner spoke, stepping out from behind the tree, motioning for you to remain still.

You may not have known much about the hierarchy yet but you knew your partner was breaking a few rules. You knew the leader of the pack was meant to be treated with respect, something he had somehow earned, according to your parents. Something about saving a few hunters from some rowdy werewolves who'd gotten too cocky and ambushed them. 

Ever since the hunters had been returned in one piece, though one had limped back with a broken leg, the other with permanent scratches down their cheek, they were alive and would heal. You knew most hunters didn't speak to the leader, the same way interns rarely spoke up to the CEO of their company.

"Will you please let him out of the trap? He's just a kid and I promise you, he'll be punished at home." 

Mate (Bts Jk X hunter Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें