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You watched Jungkook's wolf form sniff around the long grass, jumping back slightly when a butterfly suddenly flew up. You smiled, admiring the way the sun shined down on his black fur, feeling the urge to run your fingers through it, knowing it was just as soft as Jungkook's hair. 

You were heading up to Seoul, where there were apparently people who could help you but you'd stopped to let Jungkook explore the area, the day after the full moon. He had pent up energy after holding it back all night and you both knew it may be a little while before Jungkook could shift again. So you'd found a pasture, a place where there weren't any other humans or werewolves to just enjoy the peace and quiet, to let Jungkook stretch out his sore legs.

Seven years ago, you knew little about werewolves. You knew that you had seen two werewolves, the only two you'd ever seen, just a few months prior. You knew you had seen a teenage boy, not even sixteen, nearly losing his leg entirely because of nothing other than the fact that he was a werewolf. You knew you'd seen an Alpha in real life, a man you now knew was Jungkook's father. 

He'd come to help him, something you already knew he'd do. While hunters tried to dull the importance of family to werewolves, even they could admit that a pack member would risk everything to save another. The only difference between a werewolf's version and a hunter's version of the story was that the hunters turned it into a fighting tactic. Never fight a werewolf that's on their own because they won't be alone for long. Never attack just because the wolf was separated from the pack because they never stayed separated.

Seeing an Alpha just a few feet away sent chills down your spine, seeing his bright red eyes glaring down at his son, who'd just broken the truce by overstepping the territory line. You remembered feeling fear for the boy, the Alpha was so much bigger and looking back on it now, you realized just how much Jungkook had grown since then. He now stood just as tall as his father, taller if he stood straight. 

You wondered if it was just an Alpha thing, to be that large, that intimidating. It would make sense, the Alpha's job was to protect the entire pack, they needed to look the part to avoid unnecessary confrontations. But back then, Jungkook had been nowhere near his father's size, just a few inches of height difference but all the size difference in the world. Jungkook had been a lanky teenager, lean with little to no fat on him, except the baby fat on his cheeks. He had looked more the part of a runt than an Alpha and seeing him so defenceless had made you feel genuine fear for the first time in your life.

You'd taken your training more seriously after that night. Every blow you landed on the punching bag had a drive behind it, every kick you landed on your trainer's padded hands had force, every swing of your silver-coated sword had meaning. You never wanted to feel as afraid as you had at that moment, so helpless.

It had taken everything in you to not run and help the boy, even though you'd been quick to realize he was in the Alpha's pack, that the Alpha wouldn't actually hurt him. You hadn't been able to see much of the Alpha except for the fact that he was big, much bigger than you had ever expected. If you were to ever be in a one on one with an Alpha, you would almost immediately lose. You weren't too prideful to admit that but you also weren't going to let it hold you back from being able to wound the wolf enough to scare it off.

You now knew that Jungkook's father was an incredibly kind man and that he wasn't anywhere near as harmful as he looked, the same way Jungkook wasn't even a fraction as intimidating as he could come off as when he got angry. But back then, the intimidation had worked, like a charm. You got to the point of surpassing your teacher, of outsmarting him at every turn and knowing every move he would do before he did it. 

You were gifted the small silver pin, a crescent moon, the day of the month a werewolf was their weakest. You were given a new sword, your family's coat of arms carved into the silver and onto your sheath. By the time you'd met Jungkook and fallen in love with him, you had just finished your training, just starting to become an official Hunter.

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