Chapter Fifteen: Tired Cuddling

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That night truly was something special.

Upon reaching their cars, the two did not want to separate their hands. They stood beside Jake's car, as that was the closest to the entrance to the field. They stood just in front of it, neither wanted to unlatch their fingers and leave one another for the night. It felt sort of wrong to them, after the confession just a few minutes prior.

Jake shivered as the wind kicked up again, and Michael could feel the fur of the fox stand on end, his hand clutching tightly around Michael's. The wolf-dog brought himself closer to Jake, enveloping him in a side hug. Jake snuggled close to him, sighing warmly. For some reason, even if the side-hug shouldn't give much warmth, the hug really warmed Jake up.

"I thought you were used to the cold, heh?" Michael commented, smiling down at the fox. Jake smiled back, simply shrugging as he hugged the wolf-dog back. A warm feeling welled up in Jake's chest, like a dozen warm butterflies hatching and doing barrel rolls in his heart.

The two both knew they wouldn't be getting into the cars any time soon.

The two leaned against Jake's car like they did with the chain link fence. Jake leaned against the taller Michael, his head just below Michael's, as if he had always done that. It felt natural, it felt right. Jake could just faintly hear Michael's heart beat slowly and calmly. It was nice.

"Hmmm..." Jake closed his eyes and sighed a deep, long sigh. For some reason, there in Michaels arms, he felt warm, hot even. Despite just feeling like he was being dipped into an icebox, Michael hugging him instantly made him feel all warm inside - and outside too. Jake could swear he could fall asleep like that.

Michael chuckled a little at the barely-awake fox in his arms. He thought back to the day, he thought back to his emotions and thoughts throughout the week, throughout the entire time he had known Jake. Now that he had thought about it, it was a decent amount of time.

And now that he had Jake in his arms, practically melting into a puddle of fluff, Michael felt like chastising his past self for not expressing his smittenness earlier. This felt amazing. To have someone trust him in such a way that he felt comfortable falling asleep against Michael, that feeling was indescribable.

Michael didn't know why he thought he wasn't that into Jake the days prior.

"I don't think I want you to drive like this..." Michael commented, and Jake mumbled something akin to a complaint, but his words were expressed nearly incoherently. Michael just smiled as glanced up at the stars. It was a beautiful night, that was very true. Clear, shining, beautiful.

Much alike how Michael thought of the fox in his arms.

Michael felt his heart grow heavy, thinking about how his parents would think about the scene if they were in front of them. Michael's smile faltered a little, imagining with a frown just all that they would say. How much yelling would happen, how many insults would be thrown his way.

Michael's tail stopped wagging behind him as his mind continued to wander, to wonder, about it. His frown grew deeper as he remembered his father's face when he found out his son had been checking out a football player on the Tv. How he made it abundantly clear that he did not want his only son to be, as he bluntly said, gay.

However, his mind was brought back to earth when Jake stirred, and stopped leaning against Michael. The fox yawned loudly, eyes blinking blearily as he realized that he had been leaning against Michael. Actually, had fallen asleep against Michael. Jake blushed a deep crimson red and muttered a tired 'sorry', which came with another yawn.

"You didn't seem that tired by the fence, haha." Michael told Jake, frown quickly morphing into a grin. Jake simply rolled his eyes, stretching and yawning for a third time.

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