Chapter Ten: Passionate Stories

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"The darkness grows with every sharp step, equally pointed pain shot through when pressure was applied to walk. The orange light of the torch flickered in the cold, wet absence of light. Sharp stones dug into his paws as his hands tightened around the staff of the torch, slickened with sweat."

Jake's gentle, guiding tone of reading rang out in the silence of the room. His fingers rocked gently against the hardback cover of the book he was reading, "Bloodstream: Crimson Skies", pictured on the cover a fox, wielding a sword of blood, with a smaller young man hugging his left leg.

The room was darkened, with the only light being that of a small laptop burning bright against the darkness of the area. A large selection of kids were sprawled out in front of Jake, sitting on the floor or on the tables of the room, all intently paying attention. Jake calmly slid his fingers against the pages, and flipped the page.

"The flickers of flame lit up the moist stone walls, darkened and blackened by soot and ash. The Knight's red eyes gleamed dimly in the light of the fire, his bloody blade drawn in his other hand, bandaged hand gripping ever tighter. The dark cloak of the unyielding darkness barely unveiling from the orange glow of the torch." He continued.

A few species were scattered around there in the relatively large room. A few dogs scattered around on the floor, a zebra lounging on one of the desks, a lioness and a tiger holding each other in a scared shiver while listening as intently as they could. All of them were elementary or middle schoolers.

And a curious, silent beagle, staring wide-eyed as Jake read the story. He was inquisitive and yearning for info, listening to Jake's every word like it was divine doctrine. Jake turned the page again.

Jake wasn't usually confident in much, especially in social situations, but when he was reading, it was like he was a completely different person. Whenever he talked about his passion, talked about stories or his published works, or read to others, he felt his inhibitions slip away. He felt free to talk.

"The knight happened upon a passage door, brickwork leading high into the sky. The ground shifted from damp stone to murky mud, and splatters of the substance were spread across the bottom of the stone wall. The passageway led into a deeper abyss, and a haunting chill ascended the knight's spine."

Jake smiled a little. He remembered when he first read the book. Originally it had gotten him into writing fantasy adventure series, especially stories involving magnificent descriptions of dark and wet environments. The story, despite being relatively paper-thin plot-wise, held a very special place in his heart.

"Descending down into the inky blackness, the light in the knight's torch was snuffed out with a whisper. Sounds of scraping nails against stone rang out as soon as he stepped through the passageway entrance, and the creaking, and then the slam, of a door resounded around the knight. He was now in total darkness. And he could hear the harsh steps of something running. Running straight at him."

Jake sighed as he felt the cliff-hanger take hold of those around him, and then he closed the book, his voice a little sore from reading two entire chapters. He normally doesn't talk all that much, and with all the talking he's done recently his throat is getting a bit sore.

"That's it?" A meek sounding voice asked, and Jake looked up. An aghast looking lion glared at the book, not him, as if it was the book's fault that there was a cliffhanger. Jake chuckled. He understood that kind of anger at a book, and to be fair he was feeling the same when he first read it.

"Yeah, that's it for now." Jake replied, smiling as he settled the book in his lap, "Cliffhangers are a really good way to keep a reader reading a book, actually. Just don't abuse it though. Have too many and the reader might just stop reading completely."

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