Chapter Twenty-Six: Too Interesting

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Michael wasn't very prone to freaking out. He wasn't very prone to expressing his extreme emotions in any other way other than physical exercise or cooling off with some comfort food and thinking about it. But this was one of the few times that he truly, completely, freaked out.

Just staring at those words felt surreal. Like a dream, or more accurately, a nightmare. One of those running ones. Running the dark from some unseen terrible unknowable threat. That pounding of the heart, that terrible feeling of being chased down, of a mauling just awaiting him if he stumbled. And he was constantly stumbling.

His grip on his phone was intense, his eyes were nearly bulging as he read and reread those same words again. They flashed before his eyes like he knew his life would in the coming days.

He felt extremely, extremely worried.

Michael pressed himself back against his couch, letting his phone fall against the cushions. He pressed his hand against his chest and felt himself breathing, forcing himself to take deep, calming breaths to make sure he didn't freak out or panic too much. He focused on his breathing, intently listening to the rhythm of his fast-beating heart and slow breathing breathes.

His parents were coming. His parents.

Michael gulped down a nervous chuckle, staring at that screen. Just those words, those pixels, caused his panic to rise even more. The wolf-dog gently closed his eyes and just tried to breathe. He had been having a semi-good day, and now this drops? This? Right while they might be nearing a time when they're starting to have problems with homophobic people.

This wasn't good, not in the least. One week... A week and his parents, whom he hadn't talked to in literal years, were gonna come here. They were going to come into his home, they were going to eat his food, and they were going to talk with him. They were going to talk with him.

As mundane as that sounds, he felt fear and dread course through his very soul. This was not what he wanted on his mind before he ate some pizza and then went to teach some kids how to play football. Not after the day they had before, not after the fear of the townspeople.

Michael groaned, pressing his fist against his forehead with one hand and gripping the cushions of the couch with the other. He was not doing okay. He could feel his heart in his throat, feeling every single beat. He was acutely aware of what was happening to him and he hated it. He didn't know what to do with his limbs, with his paws or his fingers. His tail was trying it's best to curl between his legs.

His parents.

He wasn't sure why he was so terrified, he thought. He wasn't sure why he was panicking here. They weren't that homophobic, they weren't that bad. Maybe he was just being too pedantic here, it was nothing too horrible. Maybe it wasn't that bad?

HIs mind then flooded with all the times his parents were very, very openly against gay people. The F-slur, constant uses of gay as an insult, constant judging about clothing and manliness, constant and overbearing tirades of him having to get a girlfriend and be the straightest straight that ever did straight.

Michael's chest tightened.

His father, John. An overbearing and strict wolf, Michael always felt nervous and uncomfortable in his presence even as a kid. Always fearing the belt, always fearing not aligning with what his father thought he should be. Michael hardly remembered the last time the wolf ever smiled at something he did.

His mother, Emilia. She wasn't as strict as John was, but she certainly wasn't laid-back either. He wasn't comfortable around her either, though to a lesser extent than John.

"God..." Michael uttered, pressing his face against his palms as he sighed extremely deepl. His parents would be coming to his house. He was going to have to cook. He was going to have to hide everything. They were going to ask about his life, most likely. They were going to question if he had a girlfriend, or a wife, yet.

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