Chapter Thirty: Before the Storm

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That Wednesday, just a day before Michael's parents were to arrive in Moonshed, everything went to hell.

It had gone good that morning, all things considered. Michael and Jake had met up for Michael's lunch at a park, eating some good egg sandwiches that Jake had cooked up. Michael wasnervous, but Jake was feeling alright about everything - he had enough time to think about it all, and he decided worrying too much about it would make those worries come true.

So instead, they had a good lunch date at the park, talking and laughing about their day, before they left to return to their things. Michael his work, and Jake his book.

He wasn't sure of a title yet, besides the Among word he had decided on all those weeks prior, but he was getting close to it. The romance felt good, the romance felt real, albeit a little strained. And for the first time in a while, Jake was invested in a romance he was writing. He shipped his own characters.

Then, after calling Zack for a little bit (whom was freaking out over the events of an impromptu tournament), Jake got ready to go to his writing and reading club. He dressed in casual clothing - mostly just his red turtleneck and jeans, along with a scarf for the first time in a long time. He then, promptly, left early with all his books in tow.

It was a cold day that day, overcast as all days were in Moonshed. Jake felt that foreboding chill wrap itself up his spine like a boa squeezing, but he tried his best to shake the nerves off. His boyfriend's parents were going to come to town that weekend, and in turn his boyfriend was freaking out about it - he felt that that was enough to cause overcast to occur in a narrative sense.

He chuckled, shaking his head. Sometimes he thought of his life as a book. It made dealing with things a lot easier when thinking that they were simply words on a page for an author or others to enjoy. Whether that was the case or not, he didn't care - it just helped, no existentialism needed.

His trip there was nothing new or exciting. A few stops at red lights, a turn or two, a stop at a stop sign, and he was there at the library, just a bit before the time was for it to even open for the club. And yet, a few of the kids were already there, reading their own books or simply talking with friends. They all waved at Jake as he entered, and Jake waved back.

He was really doing something, huh?

Jake and Debrah set up everything, as they always did, in that old room. Straightening the tables, setting up the book he was reading, as they were nearing the "rising action" section of the story. Jake was more than ready to hear about all the words and stories his three "students" had written for "homework". Especially Ashton's.

It was slow work, but good work, and soon enough everything had been set up. He and Debrah chatted for a good little while, discussing books, as well as her own taste in stories (that being hardcore smut, which Jake sorta expected given what he had seen her read). That was all before it was time for the kids to enter the room.

When they did, it was a slow stream of people coming in and taking their seats on the floor or on chairs, just looking at Jake, or as they had called him "Mr. Mint". He found that everyone had come, even Ashton, who appeared sadder but happy that he was there.

Jake clapped his hands together as the time finally came to start his "session". He sat down and grabbed a book, introducing himself yet again to the group and asking for their attention, which he got undivided.

For most of the reading it was uneventful, mainly just Jake putting extra emphasis on some action or other words to make sure everyone knew the  intensity of the actions or the seriousness of the potential consequences. He read long and hard, pouring his own emotions of frustration into the words of the main character.

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