Chapter Twenty-Four: Respite

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When all was said and done, the end of the practice was awkward. Most of the kids didn't really seem to care, and had probably even forgotten about the events before the practice, as it turned out to be a really hard one. Probably changed by Ramsay; he was practically seething about what had happened.

One of them, Ashton, seemed the most affected by what happened. He was reserved, not very bubbly. He ran hard and worked hard still, but he didn't talk with others as he often did. Didn't joke while catching his breath in line. He seemed extremely sad. Michael knew Ashton was part of Jake's little library group.

Some of the other kids seemed almost happy about what happened, and stared daggers at Michael. And the wolf-dog could not see why. Why were they upset at their parents being told off? Why did they care so much about who their coach dated? They were kids! They should have something else to focus on, like games or school. Something else other than him.

Michael was able to meet with Ashton's dad, a lively fellow that seemed filled to bursting with energy, and he too was perturbed by his kid's quietness, though Michael made no move to tell him about what had happened. There was no need to, and besides - he wasn't a part of what happened. Michael didn't want to fan the flames anymore.

The other coaches told Michael to rest easy and to go home, so that they may put away all the supplies this time. Michael attempted to object, but they were having none of it. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate what they were doing, he absolutely did, but he'd rather get his mind off of what happened with work than having to head home and think about what happened for a few hours before he fell asleep.

Luckily, he didn't have to. He received a message from Jake asking him to meet him at his home, and that he got some food and some other things, and that they were going to have a good night to rest and to talk - because they needed to.

Michael felt that what he had said was very, very true.

And so, Michael took the long winding path to Jake's house after saying goodbye and goodnight to the coaches. Taking the long stretches of road, turning the radio as pleasantly loud as he could. He could hear the faint ringing of his father in his ear though. He felt his heart start to beat faster as he thought about it.


The wolf-dog groaned loudly, coming to a rolling stop at a deserted stop sign, and he pressed his muzzle against the steering wheel, growling low before shaking his head. He turned his indicator on and turned the wheel and started heading towards Jake's house, whose address was plugged into his phone.

Everything was so on his mind that he didn't even register he was going to Jake's house for the first time. Worry and faint fear flooded his every vein, nervousness permeated to his very core. The man was shaken, that much was true, but he didn't even know to what extent.

Soon he reached Jake's home, the entrance hidden away through a dirt road slightly overtaken by trees. An open black gate swung a little in the breeze, but it was open enough for a car. The lights were on in the house just ahead, shining like a bright lighthouse out at foggy sea. Glowing golden and orange, it looked comforting and warm.

And Michael needed that right now

Michael pulled up beside Jake's car, sliding neatly beside it with some effort. Michael put his car into park and pulled the key out of the ignition, taking a moment to close his eyes and sigh. That afternoon was something else, but all in all it did not ruin what had happened in the morning

Thinking about that date he had gone on, even with his father's past words echoing around in his brain, still cheered him up.

Michael stepped out and took a deep breath of the fresh cold night air. He could hear faint noises coming from the house's living room, the golden shimmer of the inside obstructed window curtains, the tv's light faintly visibly changing through them.

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