Epilogue #?∳⌶?ℌ⟱Ⅸ?⤀▆?: The Godess' Vision

Start from the beginning

And while its Emissaries besieged the world with them, the Evil God set their sights in corrupting the very heart of the world itself.

The composite core of the planet.

One both magical and physical.

If the Evil God had accomplished such act of defilement, then all would have been lost.

The Goddess would have lost her world and her life, for without the former there would have been no chance for her to avoid being consumed by the Evil God.

Such brutality was to be expected of Gods, as they are beings who do battle not only in the physical plane, but also the ontological one where the battlefield is one of 'being' and where the one with the strongest 'self' is victorious, either absorbing the loser or turning them into nothing.

The reason as to why the Goddess' fate would have been such a grim one was simple, she was and still is, a Young Goddess, and the one she was facing was anything but that, they were an Old God.

The scope of their powers is simply too different.

Young Gods, for the most part, are limited to their 'sphere', to their 'jurisdiction', they can see everything inside such 'territory' of theirs...as long as it is theirs, that is, for anything that is of an Old God would prove difficult to see with their powers, even if it is inside such 'realm'.

Of course, there are exceptions and ways the Young Gods can use to see such things, the simplest one being focusing their godly sight after being informed of the location of it, like a certain Goddess has done before.

But even then...that is a testament to the power that the Old Gods hold.

And make no mistake, they are powerful.

Truly and almost absolutely.

Regardless of their powers being essentially the same as those of those of the Young Gods, for as previously stated, the scope at which they exert them is different, and in the case of the Old Gods, it is much, much greater.

Firstly, Old Gods are not limited to their own 'realms', their own 'spheres', they can see into the realms of others with as much ease as they would with within their own 'jurisdiction'.

Secondly, not only can they interfere with those 'territories', but they can also descend upon them, even if there are some conditions.

Just like the Evil God did.

All so that they could take Arte from the hands of a Goddess they had deemed beneath them, imperfect, naïve, and more, and then crush it in front of her broken self before consuming her.

Still, let us remember that a war consists of two sides and the Goddess was not going to stand idly by while her beloved world was taken from her.

Oh no.

Of course, she was not going to do that.

So, she raised her voice and called out to all of her created, her children so to say, in what was both a cry for help and a call to arms, a call to fight beside her.

And they all answered, loudly.

They offered their very best and those beyond that.

They offered their young and their old.

Their strength and their wits.

Their power and their creations.

Their faith and their hope.

Their love.

They offered it all to the one that had never ignored them, to the one that was always there with them.

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