Chapter 43

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MikUruha's note:

Hmmm. So this story's about to end, eh? Well, it's inevitable. We're all gonna say bye-bye to this story soon. Isn't that sad?

I think I still have 9 or 8 chapters to go. So stay tuned for the remaining chapters.

Anyway, enjoy this chapter~ ヽ(^。^)ノ

PS. If you cannot view Chapter 42 up to the recent, try re-installing the app or install the Wattpad Beta.


Uruha's POV

Finally, it's the last day of the festival. Damn, I must attend this because yesterday, Aika got sick due to all the stress. And we are all dutied to nurse our student council's secretary.

Anyway, she's feeling better now. We're currently inside the student council...making out? Just kidding. I would never do that. We were both staring outside the window...actually, I was the only one. Aika's mind was currently floating...somewhere, maybe?

I heard the door clicked. I turned my swivel chair to see who arrived. It was only Aoi and Harumi. I looked at my right side to see if Aika noticed them but it seems her mind is still floating. I chuckled and just as I was about snap her back to reality, the door clicked open once again and this time, a loud and childish voice yelled, making my future girlfriend literally jump out of her chair.


"Ay pusang galaaa!"

I laughed at her. She looks cute and at the same time, hilarious. Oh yeah, Ruki and Yura arrived together and my little sister was the one who yelled the female drummer's name. By the way, if you're asking why Yura and I didn't go to school together, it's because she's a darn snail. PERIOD.

"Aika, are you alright?" I asked and helped her stand up. She grabbed my hand and I pulled her up. She dusted her back and sat back to her swivel chair.

"Itte," She muttered, still rubbing her painful butt.

"Looks like Ai-chan's not amused," Harumi hummed and stacked her novels on her table. Aoi was helping her organize things.

"Oi, Aika-chan gomeeen," Yura snorted, "Why are you staring at a space like that?"

"Oh, that. I guess this is the side-effect of my flu." She commented, touching her temples.

I walked towards her and sat on her table. Then I gave her a head massage to lessen the headache she feels right now. I moved my two fingers in a circular motion on her temples. And that's where she felt relaxed.

"Better?" I asked her and she nodded slowly as a yes.

"Oh yeah, Yura, I have something to ask." Harumi stated while still arranging her stuff on her table.

"What is it?" She replied while munching on her strawberry pocky.

There was a long silence between them until Harumi spoke, "Never mind. It's nothing important at all." The female lead guitarist smiled at my sister who was still munching on her strawberry pocky.

Just then, Ruki's phone rang.


I stopped massaging Aika's temples and slowly started eavesdropping at Ruki's conversation. I leaned closer, hoping that he pressed the loud speaker but unfortunately, all I could hear were Ruki's replies to the caller. I sighed and went back to massaging Aika's temples but she already told me to stop. So I had no choice but to brush her silky, straight and brown hair.

As soon as Ruki ended the call, someone knocked on the student council's door. The male chibi immediately stood up, leaving Yura behind and went to open the door. As soon as he clicked the doorknob, "Ah, kawaii!"

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