She smiled.

"Ya, Jeongyeon. We're only two and a half hours away from the destination and it pretty looks like we've gone far away from the city." There was Nayeon's audible breathing. "Jin said you might have enjoyed sleeping that long, huh?"

And her screeching laugh resonated over both lines.

Jeongyeon chuckled and sat at the bed.

"Hm." She hummed, unable to look for other words at the moment.

"The other members were at the other van whose following behind us. Hoseok-shi is in charge of the wheels." She furtherly updated.

Jeongyeon sniffed and wrinkled her nose. She stood up again and began to fix her belongings. She should be moving now unless she'll want to catch up and arrive at night time. It will not be good, she thought.

"Okay then," Jeongyeon answered, plotting her own plans in her head. "I will be catching up with you guys. And expectedly, I'll be arriving before sunset, I think?"

Nayeon were silent for a while and a loud rustling was heard.

"Meo? You're telling us you'll travel alone? By yourself?"

Jeongyeon nodded sternly. Yes. She wouldn't want to miss the fun and she wanted to make up for her mistakes. It would be a disappointment if she will not come when all of them are expecting of her appearance.

"Ya, Jeongie."

The voice changed. It was Yoongi's.

"Travelling alone is risky and we wouldn't want that." There was a short stretch of silence.

"Don't worry. We'll be sending someone for you."

"What?" She was obviously starstruck. She shook her head and continuously muttered 'aniyo'.

"I can handle myself Yoongi." Jeongyeon said firmly, dropping the honorifics. "And besides, it's my fault after all. I can go alone. I'll be fine. I promise."

She wouldn't want to bother someone because of not waking up early or so. It is such a burden and it is truly embarrassing that they're sending someone to accompany her throughout the trip. A deep sigh was heard and Yoongi's low bass voice was audible enough for Jeongyeon to understand that the man is fully objecting and wasn't considerate of her idea.

"No." He simply said and continued.

"He's on his way now. He hadn't been able to catch up also because of family matters but he'll come." Yoongi explained, sounding serious as ever.

"Go and prepare. We'll be expecting you this afternoon, arasso? Give us updates wherever you are so we'll know what to expect. Take care Jeongie."

There was silence. Jeongyeon huffed a breath and waited.

"Oh, and tell Jimin to drive safely."

And the call ended.


Jeongyeon was outside the apartment, waiting with the baggage beside her. No emotion can be seen on her face, it was blank and emotionless as if she was being drawn to the wilderness and nothingness. Suddenly, she showed a sign of discomfort. She stamped her feet and released a loud 'tsk'.

"Of all people." She blurted out.

It can be anyone else, she thought.

It can be Jin who'll take in charge of accompanying her. At least, she'll be entertained throughout the trip. They have been close these past few months and it wouldn't be a problem for both of them. Or it can be Yoongi. Of course, Yoongi. Jeongyeon would be delighted to watch him sleep for all the hours of travel. She would be honored to share the same silence with him, not blurting out words on the whole trip would be fun. Yes. Fun. Note the sarcasm.

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