Night Raid vs Seven Deadly Sins

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Requested by Elemental_Avenger

Akame Ga Kill vs Seven Deadly Sins, two criminal teams with superpowered people fighting against oppressing leaders goes up in the battle of the assassins.

<Cue: Invader Theme>

Toomi: In the medieval times, most empires and kingdoms are often ruled by really shitty leaders.

Megumi: But luckily for the world, there are some who would stand up against them.

Toomi: Like Night Raid, the assassin group opposing the Empire,

Megumi: And the Seven Deadly Sins, the Holy Knights of the Kingdom of Liones. She's Sachi-san, Toomi-san and I'm Megumi-san

Toomi: However, due to a special request from Elemental_Avenger himself, we will not be doing the analysis, but rather, Lubbock, Chelsea and Najenda will be doing the analysis for Night Raid and Gowther and Escanor will be doing one for the Seven ...

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Toomi: However, due to a special request from Elemental_Avenger himself, we will not be doing the analysis, but rather, Lubbock, Chelsea and Najenda will be doing the analysis for Night Raid and Gowther and Escanor will be doing one for the Seven Deadly Sins.

Sachi: But regardless, it is our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

Night Raid assassinates What if Battles

Night Raid assassinates What if Battles

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<Cue: Party Like You by Tanaka Alice>

<Inside the studio, Najenda and Lubbock stood back as Chelsea questions out>

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