Luigi vs Blanka

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Requested by NintendoNick64
Nintendo vs Street Fighters, which two green electrical hero with a cowardly heart will survive in this duel?

<Cue: Invader Theme>

Toomi: Some companions may look like they are mean and tough on the outside but these two green wearing companions are the opposite of what they seem

Megumi: Yeah they are actually just loveable green pushovers who are kind and gentle

Toomi: Like Luigi, Younger brother of Mario,

Megumi: And Blanka, the electrifying Monster from Brazil, she's Sachi, Toomi and I'm Megumi

Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

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Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

Luigi vacuums into What if Battles

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<Cue: Hey Brother by Avicii>

Toomi: Luigi was one of the star children destined for greatness and ready to accomplish legendary and awesome feats.

Megumi: And like all Italians, he loves spaghetti.

Luigi: I hope she made lotsa spaghetti

Sachi: That was until Mario showed up and grabbed the spotlight from the green plumber leaving Luigi to sit in the corner

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