Flash vs Hit

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DC Comics vs Dragon Ball Super, when The Legendary Hit Man from the 6th Universe receives a bounty for The Flash's head, it's a race against time for survival in a need for speed situation

<Cue: Invader Theme>

Toomi: The Flash, the Fastest Man alive,

Megumi: And Hit, the Legendary Hit Man,

Toomi: In any situation, whether it is to run and fight, speed is always the key to success.

Megumi: And these guys makes full good use of it to save the world. She's Sachi, Toomi and I'm Megumi.

Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

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Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

The Flash races into What if Battles

The Flash races into What if Battles

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<Cue: Red by Taylor Swift>

Toomi: His name is Barry Allen and he's the fastest man alive. When he was a child, he saw his mother killed by something impossible. His father went to prison for her murder. Then an accident made him the impossible.

Megumi: And the impossible is known as the Flash.

Sachi: But he wasn't always like that, when he was young, Barry Allen went through the same thing his colleagues Superman, Batman and Billy does, grow up without parents.

Toomi: His mother murdered, Barry's father was locked up after being wrongly accused of killing her and poor Barry dedicates his entire life to clearing his father's name.

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