Cupcakes and Dresses Ep.5

Start from the beginning

"So how many is this going to make?" I ask.

She turns her head to me before turning away again. "It should make a little less than two dozen I think.".

We put the cupcakes in, with many reminders to only fill the cups halfway, and set a timer for twenty minutes and start to clean up.



Jaehee POV


As I'm wiping down the counter, I spot a bit of flour we had dropped and a mischievous idea comes to mind.

"Hey, MC?"

She turns to me, "Yeah? Wha-"

I flick the flour towards her playfully. "What kind of baker isn't covered in flour?"

She waves away the flour cloud laughing. "This is payback for the paint, huh?".

"Yep!" I say with a giggle.

"You know as well as I do that I can't let you get away with this scott-free, right?". She pinches up some flour and holds up her hand, daring me to move.

"...Yep." I reply as she takes her flour and quickly draws a little flower.

"It's a flour flower!" She exclaims with glee. "Here, hold still one second.". I laugh as she marks 'MC' on my apron. "There, I've marked my property.". Her eyes widen and she quickly says "The artwork, I've signed my name on my flour flower artwork!", her cheeks slightly reddening.

Her statement surprises me and my eyes widen a little. "Um.." unsure of what to say, "It's a very nice signature.".

"Yeah.". We stand in uncomfortable silence for a moment. MC finally breaks the silence saying, "We should finish cleaning, huh?".

"That would be a good idea. We made a big mess." I laugh slightly.

"Hey!" she smiles, making my heart skip. "You started it!".

It's so easy to relax around MC. This is nice, just her and I talking, not worrying about anything and just enjoying each others company. I hope it can stay like this.

"Ok, while the cupcakes are baking, we should whip up the icing.".

"Aye aye captain." she says with a cheerful salute.

"Pfft." I snort at her. "Dork.".


The cupcakes finish and MC gets them out with a flourish.

"Wow!", she exclaims. "These smell really good!".

I can't help but grin at her excitement. "Alright, lets let these cool off then we'll put icing on.".

There's a chime that confuses me until I remember Luciel put in a doorbell that sounds directly upstairs.

"That must be Yoosung.". She takes of her apron and goes down to greet him.

After a little while, they come up the stairs joking and laughing.

"Just my luck, this guy was a total noob. He even forgot his heal pods*!" Yoosung says, using his arms to make his point.

MC chuckles, saying "That's what happens when you play with randoms." .

"Oh hey Jaehee! So that's what smells so good! I mean, I thought I saw flour on MC's shirt but wasn't sure, It didn't even occur that you were baking.". He comes over to the counter and sits on one of the bar stools, leaning over and looking at the mini chocolate cakes we made. "Did MC teach you? She's really good at it! She helped me make cookies for a club meet one time.".

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