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This felt like a goodbye forever. It hurt, but I knew it had to be done. This is how our story is supposed to end.

That night, TaeHyung drive me back to the dorm in silence. I didn't want this wall between us, but this was the best I could do.

The next day's awkwardness was even worse. Everyone around us could tell that something had happened.

I was still dressed as a girl and the staff member from the show was still following me around.

She followed me to the bathroom, brought me food, even gave me massages.

Between performances, I would stay in the room with BTS.

During one of the breaks, TaeHyung, Yoongi and Jimin decided to stay back and sleep while the rest went out. The staff members had left too, since it was the staff lunch time too.

The only people in the room were TaeHyung, Yoongi, Jimin, me and the staff member.

"You can go eat," I told her. "I'll be with them, so I'll be fine. Go have some food."

She bowed and left. I sat down next to the sleeping TaeHyung.

Jimin had his head on Yoongi's shoulder and Yoongi had his on Jimin's head. Both of them were out like a light.

TaeHyung's head was swinging back and forth as he slept. I gently held his head and laid it down on my shoulder.

I rested my head on his and cried silently. Loving someone is so painful.

I kissed him softly, doing my best not to wake him up. I unfolded his hand, slid my hand into his and squeezed tightly.

A few minutes later, there was a soft knock on the door.

I put TaeHyung's head down on the couch and wiped the tears that had fallen from my face to his.

Outside the door was the staff girl. She held out a lunchbox and juice.

"I'll go eat, but you should eat too," she said shyly before running off. Yoongi, being the light sleeper he always was, woke up the sound.

"Are you eating?" He asked. I nodded and smiled in response.

He got off the couch and put Jimin's head down next to TaeHyung's.

He sat across from me on the table. "I can't let you eat alone," He said, stretching his sleepy body.

I was flattered by his manners. He came and sat across from me at the table and placed his head on his hand sleepily, "I'll keep you company, eat quickly."

I opened the lunch box and juice bottle for a drink.

Before I could take a sip, there was a familiar smell coming from the drink.

A smell that took me back a few years. A smell that changed my life forever. Poison.

I gulped. This is it, this is my time. If I don't drink this now, TaeHyung will reap the consequences later on. I have to drink this.

Before I did though, I shook the sleepy Yoongi sitting in front of me. He was drifting off to sleep but I woke him up abruptly.

"OPPA!" I looked him sternly in the eyes. Yoongi was caught off guard and stared back.

"Oppa, I'm about to drink this juice." I said, almost robot-like.

"Okay... and?" Yoongi said, a bit annoyed.

"Oppa! The person who brought me lunch just now was the staff member Kim YooMi." I said, even more explicitly.

"Okay! That's great!" He replied sarcastically.

"Oppa!!" Tears started to build up in my eyes and I struggled to speak. "Take care of my TaeHyung for me..."

I let the held back tear drip down my face as I chugged the whole bottle of juice in one go.

Yoongi looked at me in shock and suspicion.

I was completely fine for a second, and it gave me false hope.

I took a deep breath and looked at Yoongi.

My breath got slower and the world grew darker. I collapsed to the floor and had a clear view of the sleeping TaeHyung before everything faded to black.

Ah... I did it... he's okay, he can live. I've finished what I came here to do.


Every Time, It's Still You [TaeHyung]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt