Why are you so good at this?

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I walked out of the bathroom, met by TaeHyung who was eagerly waiting for me.

"Yah, how can you just do that?" He walked up to me, pulling me to sit on his bed.

"Let me fix it." He said.

He rolled up my sleeves evenly until my hands were revealed. He did the same with the jeans.

Since the shirt went down to my thighs, he pulled it up and tucked it into my pants. He grabbed a belt out of his closet.

"Arms up like this," he said, raising his own arms as examples. He pulled it through the loops of the pants, tightening it. The belt hole was too far from my waist size.

"Oh, goodness, your waist is so thin" he commented. He went and grabbed a pair of scissors off his desk and separated the blades. He poked a new hole in the belt, somewhere that he could tie it around me waist without my pants falling off.

"Ah! Your belt!" I said, worried about him ruining his clothes just for me to wear.

"Don't worry, I have lots." He continued, unfazed by the ruining of his own clothes. He also pulled out a pair of socks and slid them onto my cold feet.

"Oppa! I can do that!" I told him, a little embarrassed by his actions. My toes curled up.

"No, you're my princess from now on. You won't have to do a thing." He responded with a smirk.

He grabbed a pair of shoes out of a box. Puma? Ooooh...

"Here, these are brand new!" He carefully placed my feet inside, princess style.

My feet didn't touch the end of the shoes nearly as well as it was supposed to.

"Okay, stand up!" He said, causing me to follow his demands. I stood up. Nothing was loose now! Almost like these clothes were my own, they fit very well.

Well, almost everything. I looked up to meet TaeHyung's eyes, waiting for a judgment on the look. His ears were red, his eyes darting in embarrassment.

"What is it Oppa?" I asked. He didn't respond. Instead, he went to his closet again, pulling out a classic leather jacket.

"Arms." He commanded. I almost reflexively put them through the sleeves of the jacket.

Unsurprisingly, the jacket was also too big. It went down to half my thigh. The sleeves had zippers which TaeHyung had opened for me, so I let my hands breathe through there.

"It's summer Oppa... i look like I'm dressed for Autumn..." I disputed.

"It doesn't matter... there'll be AC..." he said, turning away, his ears were still noticeably red.

"Why are you so good at this?" I asked.

"Good at what?" He responded.

"You know, the whole 'putting clothes together' thing."

"Haha, you mean styling?" He smiled, finding it hilarious that I didn't know the word. "Well I don't know... I just got into it. I really like it. I'm just really into fashion and stuff." He started taking his own clothes off to change while talking.

"Oppa!!" I yelled, covering my eyes as quickly as possible. I turned around, stumbling in his big shoes.

"Oh! Right sorry! I'll be quick! Just don't look... unless you want to." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

He changed fairly quickly. Unsurprisingly enough, he looked good in everything he wore.

"Oh wait, let's go brush our teeth before we go!" He said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the bathroom. There was only one toothbrush sitting in a cup next to the sink. I stared at it... I can't use his brush...

I'm sure he caught my confusion because he laughed as he opened the cabinet behind us and pulled out a pack of toothbrushes. Some were gone, there were 3 left, which he chose one out of and handed it to me.

"Here," He said. It was blue just like his. We brushed our teeth, sharing the same bathroom and the same mirror.

The feeling was warm, almost like a scene from a romance movie. I wanted it to last forever.

My eyes kept a constant smile. Unlike earlier when I entered the bathroom, this time was different. This time, I felt safe... from myself.

After brushing our teeth and TaeHyung fixing his hair, TaeHyung stopped me before we left his room. He slid a fashionable hat over my head.

"MoonByul, everyone is probably home by now." He said, holding the sides of my arms. "The filming ended about an hour ago" He said, looking down at his watch. "So they should be home right about now."

"Oh no... this situation might look bad..." I said, worried about the implications me coming out of his room might have.

"Just... be natural...?" He said, as if being natural was something I could do.

TaeHyung carefully opened the door, I trailed behind him, holding onto his sleeve for safety.

"KIM. TAE. HYUNG." Said a familiar voice. I peaked my head out from TaeHyung's body.

All the members of BTS were sitting in the living room, like they were waiting for TaeHyung to finally come out. They all had very serious looks on their faces, intervention style. I pulled my head back before any of them could see me.

TaeHyung walked forward. I followed, matching his every step. He stood in front of the boys, and I stood behind him, hiding myself the best I could.

My hiding was perfect until one of them stood up, Jeon JungKook.

"Shin MoonByul!?" He asked, shocked and flabbergasted.

[EXTRA] Kim TaeHyung POV: "Too cute"

"Okay, stand up!" I told her. I finally finished fixing up the clothes. When she stood, the collar of my shirt slipped down her collarbone and onto the edge of her shoulder. She didn't seem to notice but the revealing of slight skin was too much for me. I could feel my face getting warm.

"What is it Oppa?" she asked, snapping me out of my trance. I turned around, not wanting to show her my embarrassed face and headed to the closet to grab a leather jacket. 

"Arms." I said. MoonByul stuck her thin arms through the jacket, barely making it fit. I never realized how small she really was. How cute she really was...


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