Time Travel

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Splash Splash Splash.

It was pouring rain but I didn't bother me the slightest as I ran through it without a raincoat or an umbrella... I was in too much of a rush.

As I got closer to my apartment, my heart started to beat faster. It was finally happening. I ran faster out of the paranoia of someone following me. I knew they were right on my tail. I had to hurry, there was no time to waste. After 2 years of hard work, it was finally time.

I ran up the stairs to my apartment since the elevator would take too long. My breath got shorter and my heart beat faster. My clammy hands shook as I attempted to unlock my door.

I paused for a second to calm myself down. I took a deep breath and opened my door. I grabbed my backpack and stuffed it with enough money to last 3 months, a passport from 10 years ago and a set of clothes. I quickly swung the backpack on and rushed to the mirror.

I opened the inside pocket of my lab coat and pulled out the plastic bag that held a delicate watch. It was rose gold and had a ring around it made of diamonds. I wiped my wrist dry from the rain and put the watch on. I took a deep breath and made eye contact with myself in the mirror. I twisted the ring around the watch until the digits 2028 changed to 2018 and let it go.

I closed my eyes and felt my body becoming light. It felt almost heavenly yet painful at the same time...

I was shaken out of the feeling with a painful strike to the heart that bolted me awake. I was in a bed... my dorm bed to be exact. The dorm I lived in during my first year in college. I sat up abruptly scaring my roommate who thought I was asleep.

"Woah dude what the flip?" She said out of fear.

"Why are you wet? When did you buy a lab coat? And why are you wearing a backpack to bed?" She spurted out tons of questions out of shock.

"Later" I responded. As I spoke, I felt a prick in my chest. 'Is this a side effect of traveling through time?' I thought to myself as I changed out of my wet clothes into something from my dorm closet. I grabbed a suitcase I had tucked away under my desk and started packing clothes, feminine needs, and a laptop.

My roommate was completely freaked out now. "What are you doing? Are you okay? MoonByul! What's going on?" She asked with worry in her eyes.

I just shook my hand at her not wanting to talk and feel the chest pain again. I picked up a piece of notebook paper and wrote a small note on it.

'Dear Mom & Dad
I have decided that there are other things I want to pursue in my life. I can't give up on my hopes and dreams like this.
I will return when I am successful in what I do.
Thank you for everything this far, please don't look for me,

I put the note on top of my desk, picked up my phone and booked a taxi. It took 15 excruciatingly long minutes for the taxi to arrive and the entire time I booked the shortest flight to Seoul. It was a 14 hour and 40 minute flight.... and that wasn't including the intermission and flight change times. After booking my travels, I left my phone on my desk so my parents couldn't track me and left the dorm.

I finally got into the plane. I sat down in my seat and regretted leaving my phone behind. Although I was Korean, I hadn't lived with my parents in 10 years. Even if I did live with them, we still wouldn't be talking in Korean.

Korean, my own language, (that I never learned) was going to be a barrier. I had learned quite a bit in 2026 when I had to take lessons. The plane ride would have been the perfect time to brush up on them.

Suddenly, as the plane took off, I felt a wave of tiredness wash over me. 'Maybe a short nap wouldn't hurt' I thought to myself as I slowly closed my eyes. However, I was quickly awaken by a flight attendant before I could even get any shut eye.

Every Time, It's Still You [TaeHyung]Where stories live. Discover now