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My hiding was perfect until one of them stood up, Jeon JungKook.

"Shin MoonByul!?" He asked, shocked and flabbergasted.

"Why are you here? Why are you coming out of his room?" He spoke in Korean but I could understand some words.

Particularly "why". I knew exactly what he was saying. I switched my grip from TaeHyung's sleeve to the back of his shirt, trying to hide behind his shadow.

I'm usually not this type of person. Usually, I would tell them exactly why I was here and what happened. However, I felt completely vulnerable without my hair. It was like I had let down my barriers and now I was open to attack from anyone and everyone.

I felt the world caving in. The fear of what I became, where I was and all the mistakes I made in life started filling my head.

"I brought her in off course. Why can't I spend a night with my girl?" TaeHyung's deep voice broke the horrors filling my head.

I snapped out of it, brought back into the real world by my one and only knight in shining armor. TaeHyung really was my new shield. I felt so safe.

I tucked my head against his back, closing my eyes and just listening to his heartbeat and his muffled deep voice.

I didn't pay attention to what the group was saying. I was too lost in TaeHyung's rhythm. I didn't move until TaeHyung turned around and interlocked his fingers in mine.

"Let's go!" He said, pulling me towards the door. I lightly bowed my head at the other members while he pulled me away.

He drove us to a hair salon. When we walked in, everyone immediately noticed him and was in awe. A particular man walked up to him and screamed "TAEHYUNG~~~" And almost strangled him with a hug.

Then he saw me, holding his hand. His eyes shot daggers straight through me. Intimidated by him, I squeezed TaeHyung's hand tighter, pulling myself closer to him.

The two had a quick conversation in Korean. All the words were new ones I had yet to learn so I didn't understand a word.

"Okay, come on, girl~," The man said to me, gesturing with his left hand as he started walking towards the chairs.

I didn't budge, I was scared that he would take me somewhere and chop my head off... I'm probably being too suspicious...

TaeHyung walked first, I still didn't move. He stopped when his hand holding mine was pulled back by my stiffness.

He walked back, smiling. "It's okay MoonStar, I'll be holding your hand the entire time." He took off my hat and placed it on his own head and ruffled my hair. I pouted at him.

"Come on," he said, he started walking again. This time, I followed, squeezing his hand tighter.

I sat in one salon chair while TaeHyung sat in the one next to mine, holding my hand the entire time.

My heart started beating faster, my breath heavier. I took deep breaths and calmed myself down. When the man brought over his equipment, I reflexively shut my eyes tight. My whole body cringed up, I was afraid.

I heard snips, snaps, clips, everything. I didn't open my eyes a single time. I felt a few tears rolling down my face only to be caught by TaeHyung's warm hand and wiped away.

From time to time, he used his thumb to rub the back of my hand.

"Okay~ Perfect~," the hairdresser said. He rolled his r's a little too much. I didn't have the guts to open my eyes. At this point, they were basically glued shut.

The man took off the gown, dusting off the leftover hair off my back. TaeHyung pulled me up off the seat to my feet. I stumbled in his big shoes, but his reliable arms caught me.

"Open your eyes MoonByul." He said, in the calmest voice to ever exist. Almost like it was a command from God, my eyes opened. My vision was a bit blurry from having closed it for so long, so I blinked a few times, disposing of a few tears in the process.

"Beautiful," TaeHyung said, looking into my eyes and tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. "You ready to see it?" He asked with a bit of excitement in his voice.

I shook my head no, the short hair flying against my face took me by surprise. I made a shocked face that made TaeHyung laugh.

"You are ready. I know you are. You look beautiful. You're gonna love it." He said, turning me around.

I made eye contact with myself in the mirror. The new person stared back at me with wide eyes.

I covered my mouth in shock. My hair hovered over my shoulders. It was EXTREMELY short, but somehow, it wasn't bad.

I almost... like it...

I touched it, feeling the softness under my fingertips. I pulled my hand through it, feeling the roots.

"Oh my goodness..." I said.

"Nice, huh?" TaeHyung responded. Smiling at me in the mirror.

I pouted and nodded at him in the mirror. "Mmh... it's nice..." I said. I never thought in a million years that I would say that short hair was nice.

He bent down, his face level with mine.

"I'll take good care of you, see?" He said, before placing a peck on my lips. I quickly covered them, surprised by his sudden PDA.

I looked around, checking if anyone saw. EVERYONE saw. They were all in shock, covering their mouths and whispering to each other.

"Oppa... are you crazy? We're in public!" I scolded him, hitting his chest lightly.

He smirked, seeing my intense reaction. He stood straight, pulling me closer and lifted my head. He kissed me, not caring about the screams of shock and horror that filled the room.

Every Time, It's Still You [TaeHyung]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora