5. Murder

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Max found it hard to believe that the gorgeous and placid looking young man he had seen that morning had murdered his own father. He wondered what could have been the cause of it all.

Jason had stabbed his father twice out of rage, so Max was told, being that himself and his father had entered into an heated row of argument that night about money.

"The crime happened last night, you say?" Max asked the chief inspector with utmost curiosity.

"It did." replied Inspector Kennedy.

"So I take it that it has not been properly investigated and the young man--Jason you call him? --is merely still a suspect?"

"Technically speaking, that is so, but alas," exclaimed the chief inspector, "we wouldn't want to waste our time and resources on a crime that is so obvious, would we? It is more than a priori assumption. We've collected the testimonies from the occupants of the house. The accused came home from school on Tuesday the 5th of June, that is two days ago, and had demanded for money from his father. Next day being yesterday 6th of June, he was heard arguing ferociously with his father in the old man's room about nine in the evening. And next morning he was the first to cry aloud that his father had been murdered. When the police and forensics got there, it was evident that the billionaire had died several hours earlier due to two stab wounds caused by a dagger which was lying on the man's body, coated in coagulated blood of the victim. The fingerprints on the murder weapon has been identified as his son's."

The detective listened silently and appeared thoughtful.

"In my experience," he finally said, "there are, more often than not, two sides to a story and hardly anything so noteworthy is as simple as it seems prima facé."

"Do not waste your energy on this, my good friend." said Mr. Kennedy with a smirk. "I can assure you we got this covered."

"That's the same thing you said about the Adewale case."

"Well, not everyday can be your day, you see." the pot bellied man said with a cheeky grin.

"Anyway I'll like to have a talk with this sobbing damsel in distress. Someone's got to give her a shoulder to cry on."

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