CLC Yeeun scenario (1)

Start from the beginning

"If I get fat during promotions then that isn't my fault." You muttered, spooning some ice cream and flopping it into your mouth. "Even if people would find you fat, it wouldn't matter because to me you are always perfect."
She exclaimed, a huge grin on her face, you smiled at the face and walked over to her, giving her a forehead kiss.
"You're always perfect to me too." You two were just eating some more ice cream silently when you remembered what you had planned for tomorrow, and since it was practically already tomorrow, why wouldn't you be able to do it now?

"Hey Yeeun, do you wanna go for a walk through the park?" You asked her, she looked at you like you were crazy.
"What the hell are you talking about, aren't you tired and stuff, you should go to bed." You just gave her a smirk and put away the ice cream before grabbing her hand. You wrapped her in a few jackets and scarfs, forced her to put on some shoes and took her outside, obviously also dressing yourself. You two walked to your car hand in hand and you both got in. You drove your way to the park, holding her hand while getting there, feeling the velvet box in the pocket of your jeans.

You arrived after 30 minutes of driving, the both of you got out and walked into the park, you slinging your arm over her shoulder while she held the hand that was slung over her shoulder. You two walked for about 20 minutes when you both reached a tiny pond, deciding that it was the perfect spot you sat down, Yeeun following your actions.
The both of you sat in silence, her head on your shoulder and your head on her head, both admiring the view.
It was when you let out a nervous breath that she looked at you with concern.

"You aren't breaking up with me right?" She asked, slightly concerned, and you couldn't help but giggle at her scared face. "Obviously not, the complete opposite actually." You said, making her even more confused than she already was. "What do you mean, you aren't going to kill me or something right?" You let out a full blown laughter at her words.
"Don't you trust me miss Jang?" You asked her with a smile on your face. "of course I trust you! its just not really like you to bring me to the park at 1 o'clock at night and then take me on a walk." You just smiled at her, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear while admiring her.

"I actually have a question to ask you, we have been together for three years now, and I feel like it would be the right time to ask you this. Ever since I saw you backstage at M! Countdown I absolutely fell head over heels for you,
just the charisma already had me hooked, but then I had the pleasure of getting to know you and that showed me so much more sides to you then just the charismatic Yeeun, and I fell head over heels for every single one of those sides, head over heels for not only Yeeun of CLC, but for Jang Yeeun. I would be so honoured if you would let me spend the rest of my life beside you, while building and even more intimate bond with you. And who knows? Maybe even a family. Jang Yeeun, will you marry me?"

You got on one knee in front of her and opened the velvet box, showing a platinum ring with on top of it a ruby.
Yeeun was now full out crying and sobbing. After a few seconds she launched into your arms, making you fall right into the grass, you chuckled as she held you like her life depended on it. After a while of just wrapping her head around the situation and hugging you she nodded her head, not letting any words out. "I love you." You muttered against her hair, making her sob again, repeating the same words to you. You chuckled and cupped her face, making her look into you eyes, you leaned your head towards her while she did the same. Once your lips touched butterflies started roaming around in your stomach, making it feel just the same like the first time you kissed her. The kiss lasted only a few seconds but all the emotions that were poured into it just showed how much the both of you loved each other.

You were just laying there on the ground, your fiancé in your arms. you had no idea about how long the both of you laid in each other's arms. it could've been a few minutes or a few hours, your really couldn't care anymore,
all you could care about was the gorgeous and amazing human being in your arms. The both of you awoke from your daze because of a ringing phone. Yeeun recognised it as her ringtone and stood up, picking up the phone. You overheard a bit of the conversation, and realised that it was Seungyeon asking where the hell Yeeun was.

"Yah Jang Yeeun! Where the flying duck are you! Do you know how worried I am?!"
You heard Seungyeons loud voice boom through the speaker, making even you flinch.
Yeeun didn't budge and just answered simply. "I'm out with Y/N for a walk, I'll be back soon,
dont worry that much okay?" You snorted at her answer, knowing that Yeeuns leader was only gonna get madder at her words, she glared at you and turned her attention back to the phone. "Are you serious! What do you mean you are out for a walk?! It 2:37 you should be laying in bed right now you fricking idiot!" Your eyes widened at that,
you had no idea that it was already so late. "Sorry Seungyeon, its my fault. I shouldn't have taken her for that walk. But don't worry! I'll bring her back unharmed, I promise!" You said into the phone, making Seungyeon sigh.
"Just hurry up, we were worried sick." She hung up the phone right after.

"I guess we should go back then. Let's go!" You told Yeeun, but she just looked at you before pouting.
"Could you please carry me? I'm too tired to even stand." She asked, falling to the ground dramatically.
You rolled your eyes and put the ring you bought for her on her finger before making her get on your back.
"Love you really are too extra sometimes." You told her, carrying her back to the car. As soon as you got there you put her in the car and put on her seatbelt. Once she was settled you made your way to the drivers seat, hopping in,
starting the engine and driving off to the CLC dorm.

You arrived pretty fast, there obviously wasn't a lot of traffic so you were able to make your way to Yeeuns dorm pretty easily. You woke up Yeeun from your sleep to inform her of your arrival to the dorm, she whole up pretty easily.
You both stepped out of the car and you walked her over to the front door of her dorm,
you could already hear the members freak out inside and you chuckled at the sound of all their screaming.

"So will I see you again this week." She asked you like a shy schoolgirl. You chuckled with a smile on your face and went to hold her hands. "I'll try to clear up my schedule a bit, I really want to see you again but I'm not sure if its possible the rest of this month." She pouted a bit at that, really wanting to see you again. "That's fine, I understand that your promotions are very important, definitely now that you are getting some recognition by the public.
Also, do you want to inform the fans of our engagement?" She looked at you with curiosity in your eyes, you thought about it for a bit, eventually deciding that it would be more fun if they would find out theirselves.

"how about we let them find out theirselves, it would be more exciting." She giggled at your statement and nodded.
You leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss on her lips, you continued it for a few seconds before the door flew right open, almost hitting the both of you. You looked to the side to see a red Seungyeon looking at the both of you,
clearly furious. You widened your eyes and ran down the steps of the dorm, right into your car and sped off,
still hearing Yeeuns laugh and Seungyeons screaming in the back of your head.

Y'all make sure to request some stuff in my messages or on the request page cuz I'm bored and i have a 6 week break, help ya girl out pls. Also hope you guys enjoyed reading!!!!!!

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