chapter 4 (part two) - falling apart

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This is a continuation of the part one to chapter 4. If you haven't read it please go do so.

Also angst is coming up (sorry)
⚠️trigger warning⚠️
-suicidal thoughts
-suicide attempt

Keith POV

I arrived to my room and plopped onto the bed. I lay in the dark, thinking of my fellow paladins. I hated their pity. I hated how they looked at me after they found out about my past. It was horrible. It hurt to know that after trying to keep it a secret they still found out about my pain.

They don't need you. You are useless to them. They think you are an abomination. Why are you alive you should just kill yourself. Nobody wants an orphan like you. Nobody needs you. Nobody loves you.

What about Shiro?

He only acts like he does. He is pitying you because he knows how useless and horrible you really are.'re right. No one loves me no one needs me. I don't want their pity. I should just die.

Keith grabbed his knife and was about to shove it into his heart when the door flew open. Standing in the doorway were his teammates. Acting quickly wanting his pain to end he tried to plunge the blade through his chest, but a hand grabbed his, stopping him.

"Keith, please!" Cried Pidge.

"I have to. You don't want me around, no one does. Why should I be alive if I'm not wanted." Keith struggled to get the blade from the person's grip.

The paladins feared for the Korean boy. Does Keith really think that? Before they could answer the alarms blared.

Trigger warning over

"Everyone get to your lions!" Allura yelled over the speakers.

They went to their hangers and left flying through space attacking the galra fleet viciously. They seemed to be targeting the red lion more than the others. Before they knew it, the red lion wasn't able to operate. The galra began to suck up the red lion, Keith in tow (is that how you spell it?) .

"A little help her guys!" Keith called.

"We're coming! Hold on Keith!" Said Lance.

Keith felt as Red was placed into the ship, they never came for him. They were just going to leave him to die. Makes sense, they never loved him, never needed him. He was just the seventh wheel, including Allura and Coran. Galra soldiers began to enter the red lion, Keith didn't try to fight them as they pulled him out of the lion. They ripped off his armor,  put him in shackles and shoved him in a cell. Keith curled into a ball and fell asleep.

Third POV (paladins)

The paladins watched as the red lion bursted from the hanger it was being held in. As far as they knew Keith was safe. They all went back to the castle and wormholed away. The went down to red's hanger. What they found there shocked them. Inside red's cockpit was Keith's armor covered in blood with blaster wounds littering the material. Shiro fell to his knees and cried out in fear and agony. His little brother was gone.

"Paladins please come to the control deck immediately." Allura said.

"We have to get Keith back." Said Hunk.

"I can't believe we left him behind." Said Pidge, her eyes filled with tears.

Shiro stared blankly at the ground. Lance held back his tears, he always loved Keith, but now he was gone. Hunk was mad at the galra and himself, he should have been there sooner, he could have saved him. Pidge was devastated, Keith had already gone through so much and now he was captured by the galra with little to no chance of survival. Allura could feel the paladin's sadness and fear for their friend. Coran was worried for Keith and for what will happen to the other paladins.

Third POV (with keith)




Keith grunted. The whip sliced open his already scared, pale skin.

"Why won't you sing for me?" Asked the druids.

Keith said nothing.

"Not speaking. I can change that."

The druid picked up a knife and began to drag it across the Koreans skin. Keith screamed. This continued for hours upon hours, until they finally stopped. They dragged Keith's body back to his cell and left him.


Alright finally have this done! Really sorry about the wait. It's short again I know, I just didn't know how to end it. If you have any ideas I'd love to hear them!!!!I'm always open to new ideas, etc.

Hold On (galra Keith x lance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon