Chapter two - nightmares and blood

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Sorry for all the switches between point of view

Third POV

The next morning Keith woke in a cold sweat. His nightmares had been even worse last night then the previous few. He got up from his bed and walked to his bathroom. He tried to fix his hair from looking like he had just rolled out of bed (which technically he had). Keith headed to the training deck because training always calmed his racing thoughts.

When he arrived he noticed that there was a puddle of blood in the middle of the floor surrounding the body of his brother Shiro. Keith screamed and ran from the room his blood roaring in his ears. He turned the corner and saw Pidge and Hunk, their lifeless corpses surrounded by more blood. He ran away only to see Coran and Allura's bodies next. Keith turned around and let out a horrible sob. Lance's body lay there, his cloudy eyes looked at Keith an expression of pure terror frozen on his face.

Keith POV

I screamed and shot up in my bed, my heart racing.

It's just a dream, I thought, just a dream.

Yet it had felt so real. I reluctantly left my bed and headed to the kitchen. I sat and stared at the blank walls. The team found me there still staring. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump.

"Hey Keith, you okay?" Said Shiro.

"Fine." I said shooting up from the chair.

I felt the team's concerned eyes follow me through the door. I headed to the red lions hanger, needing some peace and quiet.

Third POV

In the kitchen, the rest of the team were eating breakfast. They sat mostly in silence looking between each other.

"Did anyone here the scream from last night?" Asked Hunk.

Everyone looked up.

"It was coming from Keith's room." Lance said, "I could hear it very clearly."

"Shiro what happened to Keith? Is it something to do with his past?" Allura asked.

"I can't tell you that. I'll just say that Keith has had a rougher time then you think." Shiro answered.

Alarms blared through the speakers of the castle.

"Quick were under attack!" Allura and Coran ran to the control room. While the paladins ran to their lions.

"Hurry! Keith's out there alone!" Allura called.

The other plains raced out in their lions to see the red lion get hit with a beam of light and energy.

"KEITH!!!" The paladins screamed.

"Keith are you alright? Keith respond!" Said Shiro.

After several terrifying seconds a shaky and pained voice responded, "i-i need h-hel-help here guys."

"We're coming buddy." Said Hunk.

"Hold on Keith. Just hold on a little longer." Shiro whispered.

"Hurry u-up." Keith moaned.

The paladins brought the red lion back to the castle. They rushed inside to find Keith barely breathing on his pilots chair (I don't know what they are called) their was a gash across his chest and he was bleeding from his head. Shiro carried him to the infirmary, asking Allura and Coran to get a pod ready. They put Keith in a healing pod and gathered around. His raven hair was messy and his skin paler then normal. His hands were coated in his blood from him trying to staunch the flow of the crimson liquid.

"Will he be okay?" Asked Lance.
Coran hung his head, "We don't know."
"Well when will he be out?" Asked Hunk fiddling with his fingers.
"We don't know that either." Allura said.

Days passed and Keith still hadn't left the pod yet. It was one week later when he finally emerged, falling into the arms of his older brother.

"Shiro?" Keith looked into his brothers gentle eyes.

"How you feeling Keith?" Shiro asked.

"Sore and tired." Keith's eyes were already beginning to close. He went limp in Shiros arms, falling instantly asleep.

Shiro carried his brother back to his room, placing him gently on the bed. Shiro left and headed to the lounge (the place with the large sofas). The rest of the team waited there. They looked up as shiro entered the room.

"How is he?" Asked Hunk.
"Better. Hes resting now." Shiro answered.
"Good. The rest of you should as well." Allura said.
"But-" Lance began.
"You are all exhausted. Get some rest." Allura interrupted.

Sorry that's all I could think of. Any ideas or mistakes I made let me know

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