A/N: Information

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Hello everyone!

I just wanted to clear up some stuff and let you know how things are going to work out.

First: this story is FAR from over. I have a few more surprises and a little bit of angst to add to it.

Second: my mental health has completely plummeted, but I'm working hard to try and get the chapter ready for this story.

Third: I apologize immensely for not updating in a LONG time.

Fourth: I'm planing on coming up with a schedule for updates. I was thinking like once a week (on Wednesdays or Saturdays) or once every two weeks. I have many stories/books that I'm writing so I thought a schedule would be good.

Please let me know what you think! I once again apologize for not updating sooner a lot of crap happened (now I sound like a jerk).

Thank you so far your support on this story!

P.S. The next chapter will be out sometime today because I'm almost done it.

Hold On (galra Keith x lance)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن