chapter five: Realisations and Cute Kitchen Scenes

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Hey I'm back!!!! I know you probably don't want to hear this but I'm really sorry!!!!! I was taking time to try and improve my writing, also starting a new Voltron book. Also news! I actually writing a book series for real, I'm super invested in it. ANYWAY...on to the chapter which y'all have been waiting for!
Ps there's a lot of switching pov at first

Third POV

It had been several weeks since Keith had been captured and the team was busy trying to find him. Pidge had barely slept, Hunk had run out of room in the kitchen, Shiro was training more and more, Allura was searching for the tracker, Coran was helping Pidge. Allura and Lance could be found comforting the others or bugging Pidge. They were waiting for any news about their poor friend.

Keith POV

Big fluffy ears. That was all Keith could think about. They lay atop his head, he no longer had human ears. It was a painful process. All he could do is hope that the other paladins would find him.

"Wakey wakey little kitty! Haggar wants to see you!" A voice from the other side of his dark, damp cell sang.

Third POV

Shiro paced the control room. Back and forth. Back and forth. He ran his fingers through his hair, picked at his nails, doing anything to keep himself busy. He grabbed at the cushioning of his command chair. He couldn't stay still, no matter how hard he tried.

Shiro thought back to all those times where he helped Keith. Helped him through nightmares. Held him through his tears. He couldn't stop as hot tears rolled down his cheeks.

The other paladins looked up, noticing the distress their leader was in. They wanted to help, but had no idea how.

Pidge went over, tears running down her own face. She wrapped her small arms around Shiro's larger figure. The others soon joined, tears in their own eyes. They hoped he would be found soon.

One week turned into three.

Bing! Bing!

Pidge ran to her computer. A location was found. She ran to the control room and called everyone down. The others looked at her curiously.

"I found a location." She said, "Somewhere called the Indurian system. (Yes I just came up with that)"

(Sorry for all the big time skips!)

They arrived in the Indurian system. There were only a few planets, no galra inhabitants. They flew around looking for any sign, all they found was a galran pod.

To try their luck they brought the pod into the castle, they opened it. Inside was a galran boy. Big fluffy ear, claws, a tail, sharp teeth.

"He looks like a cat." Lance commented.

The others laughed.

"He does." Pidge looked closer to the boy. He looked familiar yet a total stranger, "Could this be Keith?"

Shiro shook his head, "There is a possibility."

"We could do blood tests?" Coran suggested.

"Good idea." Shiro

Keith POV

I woke with the sensation of falling. Strong arms caught me, I looked up and screamed. It was the galran who guarded me, he was making down at me. A wicked smile. I crawled away, curling myself into a ball, covering my ears. A hand reached out causing me to whimper. I was too scared, unsure of where I was.

Third POV (sorry for the switches!)

The paladins watched as the boy screamed and crawled away. He rested in a fetal position against the pods. When Shiro extended a hand, the bot let out a whimper.

The paladins watched as the boy screamed and crawled away. He rested in a fetal position against the pods. When Shiro extended a hand, the boy let out a whimper.

"I have the results of the blood tests!" Coran came running, startling the boy further.

"What are they?" Allura asked.

"It's Keith. His galran DNA seems to have completely taken over, though he still remains human at heart and in mind." Coran answered.

They group looked to the huddled creature. It seemed impossible for it to be their hot-headed paladin. The more they looked, however, the more they saw it. The face structure, the eye shape, the nose. He looked entirely like Keith only more cat like. His eyes, although they had only received a small glance at them, were a mix. The sclera (white part) was yellow, his pupils dilated to slits. His irises were not there, but in his eyes, you could see the human fear that shone through. The team knew one thing, they needed to help Keith in any way possible.


They had finally calmed Keith down and were able to bring him to the kitchens. Hunk whipped up some tasty food, which Keith gladly accepted. He ate as if he hadn't eaten in years. Which could be true do to his being held captive by the galra for almost a month. Keith inhaled the food, then held his bowl to Hunk, who smiled before filling Keith's bowl once more with food.

"What are we going to do?" Shiro asked.

"He's still the red paladin. I guess we have to wait until he understands that, when he's more human." Allura responded.

"Princess, you might want to know. What Haggar did, it's irreversible. He'll be stuck like this for the rest of his life." Coran looked at the poor boy with pity.

Keith was watching Hunk cook with absolute curiosity. He watched as Hunk flipped a pancake looking thing into the air, letting it fall back into the pan. (I know this isn't really like true and stuff, not what the kitchen looks like but I couldn't help making a cute Keith scene) Lance laughed at the amazed look on Keith's face. Maybe things would be okay.


Sorry, again, for the late late late late update. Please comment any mistakes or any ideas you have for scenes (I'm really open to suggestions)

Also please check out my other Voltron book The Secret Song (it would mean a lot).

Because of quarantine I will try and update both more often (depending on school etc. Cause I'm still a high school student)

Anyway stay safe everyone <3

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