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Nora: It's not my father's legacy that's gonna disappear, Thawne. It's yours.

Iris: Nora!

Barry: Hey!

"What's happening to me?" Nora gasped.

Thawne: So close, Little Runner. It was never going to work anyway.

Nora: Mom? Dad?

"No," everyone softly spoke.

Iris: No, no, no, no.

Nora: Mom, what's happening?

Thawne: A new timeline is setting in.

"No," Barry and Iris pull Nora as close as they can.

Barry: What?

Thawne: A new timeline that you created when you destroyed the dagger! I'm sorry, Little Runner, for trading you in like this. But I had to be sure that I could go free. You can still save her, Barry. There's still time. You can still save her.

"We will save you," Barry grumbled.

Barry: How?

Thawne: The Negative Speed Force. She has to go there. It's the only place immune to timeline changes. But you have to go now. You have to go, Barry! Or we lose her forever. That's right. I've grown fond of her too. In many ways. She's shown me what it's like to have a daughter. See you in our next crisis.

"Get there. Please. Save her," Iris begged.

Nora: I can't do this.

Barry: Yes you can, yes you can. You have to, all right? Just hold on a little longer.

"Keep going," Felicity and Cisco quietly cheer.

Nora: No, Dad, I can't.

Barry: Nora!


Oliver moved over to the small family and placed a hand on Barry's shoulder in support.

Barry: Nora, what are we doing?

Nora: It's too late.

"It's never too late," Caitlin breathed out. "You make your own fate."

Barry: No, it's not. We gotta go back.

Nora: Dad, no.

"It's her choice, as much as we may hate it, it's ultimately her choice about what happens to her," Joe muttered.

Iris: Barry, you have to take her back.

Barry: I know, I know.

Nora: Mom, Mom.

Barry: I know, I know. Nora, you have to go back now.

Nora: No! If I go back in, the Negative Speed Force will be a part of me forever.

"Please no," Iris gasped out.

Iris: No, we'll get it out of you, Nora. We can get it out. We can save you. Please, I promise.

Nora: Mom, you can't. Mom, you can't. None of you can. It's making me like Thawne. Full of anger and hate. I... I don't want that to be my legacy. This is all on me.

"She-I'm right. I'm the one who changed the timeline. This is the consequence that I have to live with." Nora shushed anyone who tried to disagree with her.

Iris: No.

Nora: All of it. My mistake. And I'm not gonna make another one. Sometimes all you can do is live with the consequences.

Iris: [CRYING] Oh my God.

Nora: It's okay. It's okay.It's okay.

Barry: We love you. - [SOBBING]

"We do," Barry whispered into Nora's ear. By this point, everyone was either crying or had tears in their eyes.

Nora: Thank you for everything.

"Thank you for being my parents," Nora agreed with her future self. 

ArrowVerse TV. "The Flash 5x22 Season Finale | Nora West-Allen Dies." Youtube, 14 May. 2019, 

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