Crisis On Earth X pt 1

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Here are the scenes from the Supergirl episode of the crossover that I'm going to do. Unlike the other chapters, I'm not going to put Youtube videos in since I didn't use them to write the scenes as I did for other chapters. Instead, I just took some of the more impactful scenes from the episode and used an online script to write out the scenes. As always, anything you recognize does not belong to me. Thank you all for reading! I plan to have the rest of the episodes up before my school starts again! 

I thank you all immensely for reading and the support you've given me throughout this journey. Please enjoy! 

The TV lights up again, "well this looks pleasant," Barry sarcastically states. Joe and Iris nod their agreement.

Man: Hey, Doc, you really think you can make that thing work?

Doctor: We need to make it work if we're ever gonna bring hope back to this darkened world.

"Oliver," Dig calls, "that fighting style looks like yours."

"Now that you mention it," Cisco starts, "that suit looks like the Arrow's."

"Yeah, except that it's black and red and evil-looking," Felicity argues.

"I'm not entertaining this," Oliver shuts the conversation down.

DA: You're the best they could send?

Wells groans, "I really hope that this isn't what I think it is." He glances around the room and promises to explain after the scene is finished.

Guardian: Funny, I was gonna say the same thing. There are more like me, and one day they will free this world.

DA: That day may come, but you won't be here to see it. That flag died a long time ago.

G: Well, it still means something.

DA: Yeah. It's a bull's-eye.

"That was brutal," Nora winced.

With this, our reign will last for eternity.

"Earth X? What's Earth X?"

Wells groans, "There's a 53rd Earth in the multiverse, we call it Earth X because it's so horrible that no one sane would ever go there. Everything is the same as our world, except that the Natzi's won the war and destroyed anything that opposed them."

"Well that's not going to give me nightmares," Felicity muttered sarcastically.

~Scene Skip~ 

Woman: Welcome to the West/Allen wedding, can I show you to your seat? Are you here for the bride or groom?

"This is our wedding?!" Iris shouted.

"At least all of our friends will be there," Barry tried to placate her.

"But," Cisco interrupted, "with your luck, something bad will happen to ruin it."

Caitlin smacks Cisco on the back of the head, "You're not helping."

Mick: Well, considering I've tried to kill the groom a couple of times, it's probably best I sit on the bride's side.

"Why is Mick Rory at your wedding?" Joe asked his children.

"He becomes a hero! Well, sort of..." Nora explains.

"I thought he was a thief," Felicity mused.

"He is," Joe explained.

W: Uh, well, that would be the left side.

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