Barry's Death

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Wells: Particles are becoming unstable. Ramon, get ready! I'm gonna release the chemicals into his system.

"Please don't be doing something stupid," Henry begged.

"This isn't healthy for anyone. I don't care if they have superpowers or not!" an outraged Caitlin shouted.

Iris: Why are you doing this?

Felicity and Joe nodded along with Iris's question and eagerly waited for an answer.

Wells: The night Barry was struck by lightning, he was doing fingerprint analysis. Those chemicals got into his system then and they're going in now.

"So?" Oliver questioned, "just because traces would have gotten into his system you decide to inject a large amount of them into Barry?"

Iris: So you're injecting them into him?

Wells: We have to recreate everything that happened to Barry that night.

"Why?" Nora questioned. "Why are you recreating the particle accelerator explosion on Barry?"

Barry: I'm okay, Iris!

Joe: Hold on, Barry

Barry: God!

Henry: He's going hydrostatic

"You're killing him?" Dig questioned.

Wells: Almost there.

Henry: Wells!

Wells: Almost there. Ready, Ramon? Now!

Cisco: Expecto Patronum! Great Scott! It's working!

Some scattered chuckling occurred in response to Cisco's antics.

Zoom: No!

"NO!" Everyone shouted at once. "He can't be dead..." 

Henry: No. What did you do to my son?

Zoom: You thought you could give the Flash his speed back? Well done. You killed him again.

"Wait, again? They killed him again? What does that even mean?" No one got any responses to their shouted questions before the screen began to play the next video which they hoped would answer some of them.

Flash Scenes. "Flash Dies - The death of Barry Allen HD." Youtube, 6 May. 2016, 

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