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Iris: Dad, it's been three weeks. You barely eat or sleep. You should probably go home at some point.

"Why are you in the hospital with Barry?" Nora asks Joe.

"I went to live with him and Iris after you died, Mom," Barry answers.

Nora walks over to Joe and pulls him into a hug, "Thank you for looking after my son."

Joe: Hey, baby.

Iris: Hi

Joe: I'll go home when Barry does.

[Barry starts seizing & flatlining]

"How?" Henry questions, "You can't be seizing and flatlining at the same time! That's impossible."

Iris: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Joe: Help! My son's coding.

Oliver surveyed the room and could see how everyone was torn between the heartwarming feeling of Joe calling Barry his son and their worry over Barry flatlining... again.

Iris: They said he was stable

Joe: Barry

Doctor: I need the room. How can he be seizing? He has no heart rhythm. Starting compressions. Epi push. Epi.

Wells: They can't save him. But I can.

Joe: I know who you are. You're that scientist that Barry's obsessed with, the one that blew a hole in the city.

Wells: Harrison Wells, and interestingly enough, my facility is the very place I would like to take him.

Joe: You're out of your mind.

Wells: I'm not going to convince you with promises. But, Detective, give me a chance.

Joe: I think we already know what you're capable of, Doctor. You hurt a lot of people that night.

Wells: So those doctors in there, they're good enough?

Joe: The best in the city, best in the country.

Wells: Look at them. They're baffled, and the reason for that is what's happening inside Barry is a mystery, and they don't have the tools to solve it.

"Why does it sound like he knows more than he's letting on? Just me? No? I mean, he may just be better informed, but it seems like he knows a bit too much about Barry in particular and-"

"Felicity," Oliver gently stops her rambling while silently agreeing with her and making a note to keep an eye on Dr. Wells.

Joe: But you do?

Wells: That's right. Millions of people used to look at my lab, and what did they see? They saw the future. Well, let me take that technology, let me take that know-how into ensuring that your son actually does have a future. Detective, let me save him.

Doctor: Hand me the paddles. Starting chest compressions.

Joe: Then save him.

"It's a good thing you took Dr. Wells up on his offer, Detective," Caitlin gently told him. "If you hadn't, the doctors would have kept attempting to revive him when he didn't need it and could have triggered a heart attack or heart failure."

Iris: Hey, Barry, it's Iris. I don't know if you can hear me, but I hope you can, because I really, really need you to wake up. Like, the other day, Detective Pretty Boy came into Jitters, and he asked me out, and I actually said yes.

"What?" Joe looks at Iris. "Are you dating my partner?"

Iris sighs, "yes Dad. I'm dating Eddie."

Joe gives his daughter a disappointed glare, "We will be talking about this later."

See, I do dumb things like that when you're not around. And the house is really quiet without you. I know that the reason you came to live with us was awful. But Barry, you made it a home again. You made us a family again. We need you. I need you.

People, mainly Nora and Felicity, were cooing at Iris's speech to Barry while the two of them just looked away and blushed.

"Uh... What the hell was that nasty shock thing?" Cisco questioned. Everyone just shook their heads to convey that they had no clue. 

ShowTime Unlimited. "The Flash - Joe & Iris Flashback Scenes (S1. Ep, 20)." Youtube, 28 Apr. 2015,

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