Crisis on Earth X pt 2

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Felicity: Oh, my God.

Iris: Oh, my God what? Who is that?

"Oh, my God," Felicity echoes her onscreen self. Oliver and Dig freeze, a strangled breath comes from Oliver, and the other two OTA members each place a hand on his arm.

"Tommy," he whispers, disbelieving.

Sara: That's Tommy Merlyn.

F: He died over 4 years ago.

Barry: Oliver, who's Tommy Merlyn?

Oliver: Thea's other brother and my best friend. We're gonna need a moment alone.

"I am so sorry, Oliver," Felicity murmurs to him. He nods but his eyes remain on the screen, drinking in every detail of his best friend's doppelganger.

Mick: He's a crony.

Stein: Anachronism.

M: That's what I said.

Sara: Lately we've been dealing with anachronisms. It's people and things displaced throughout time.

I: Ok, but why would Nazis from 1945 want to crash my wedding?

M: Crab legs. They were delicious.

Alex: Well, Iris has a point, though. If they're out of time, they would've targeted the military or law enforcement.

"She's right. They would have gone after something big, made a point. A wedding in a relatively small city isn't big," Dig mentioned.

"Wouldn't they have attacked the police? There were a lot of cops at the wedding," Joe argues.

"Not enough to warrant an attack," Barry counters.

"We heard them talking about attacking the heroes specifically earlier," Nora pipes up. Everyone pauses and considers her point before letting the video resume.

Felicity: Tommy was plucked from 5 years ago and put in the Prometheus wardrobe. That doesn't make any sense.

"Who's Prometheus?" Cisco asks.

"The original Prometheus is from Greek myth," Caitlin mentions.

"Prometheus was a villain of the Green Arrow. I don't know much about him, though," Nora explains.

"Prometheus, this Prometheus, is a high ranking official in the army of Earth X," Wells explains. Many people jump, having forgotten that he was even there.

"Whoops," MM fades into existence, "I meant to not have him here anymore," he snaps and Wells disappears as MM does the same.

Caitlin: It does if we're not dealing with an anachronism.

Barry: Visitors from another earth?

Jax: Whoa. There are more than one?

Kara: There are 52, actually.

Stein: Though I'm hard-pressed to think of one where Nazis are ascendant.

Wells: I can. There's a 53rd earth, and it's called Earth-X. [Gunfire] It doesn't have a designation because it's a place so awful, so horrific, no sane person would ever travel there. It's basically our earth--same history, same timeline-- with one crucial and critical difference.

"Didn't Wells mention this earlier?" Iris asks. A few people nod.

Stein: So let me hypothesize. The Nazis developed the atomic bomb before the United States did, and they were more than happy to use it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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