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Thawne: Well... things just got a lot more complicated, didn't they? Barry Allen. But which Barry Allen? Clearly you're... from a lot later than this one.

"Huh?" Felicity spoke for everyone. "You've time-traveled to that time before this time? Why?"

Barry: Way later.

Thawne: Who's your friend? Let me guess. Jesse Chambers. No. Maybe Lawrence. Wait. Danica Williams.

"Who are they?!" Cisco shouted. Barry and Nora shrugged.

Barry: It doesn't matter who she is.

Thawne: She's your daughter. You've brought me your daughter. It's, um... Dawn, if I'm not mistaken.

"Dawn?" Iris specutavly asked while Nora narrowed her eyes and tilted her head in confusion.

Nora: Nora.

Thawne: Nora. Oh, that's nice. At least you still have one. What, Nora, time travel's so weird. What do you want?

"Did he just say 'At least you still have one'? One what, daughter? One Nora?" Oliver asked under his breath. Dig nudged him and shook his head. "Sorry," he gruffly stated, not sounding at all apologetic.

Barry: I need you to fix this for me.

Thawne: No... No, if you're here... And he's here... that means...

Barry: You don't get home.

"Home?" Caitlin questioned.

Thawne: I get home! I get home. I go home! I get everything...

"Egotistical much?" Joe asked, raising an eyebrow.

Barry: You don't go home, Thawne. Unless you help me.

Thawne: What do you want?

Barry: Like I said, you're gonna fix this for me.

Thawne: To do what?

Barry: Drain dark matter.

Thawne: Whose dark matter?

Barry: None of your business.

Thawne: It is my business.

Barry: No, it's not.

Thawne: There's no chance that I help you...

"How long is this gonna happen?" Cisco groaned.

Barry: It's none of your business...

Nora: Cicada's!

Thawne: Cicada's. The one who got away. You want to destroy Cicada's dagger, don't you?

Barry: We want to save lives.

Thawne: You want to save lives. [LAUGHS] I bet you do. I bet you do. Especially your own, right, Barry Allen?

Barry: Look, that me, he's gonna wake up soon. He sees me standing here, your whole timeline is gonna be blown to hell. You're never gonna get home. You know that's true!

Thawne: I know! I know! Where are my manners? Can I get you a cup of water?

"Is he bipolar or something? Multiple personalities?" Cisco grumbled.

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