Savitar Stabs Barry

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"So," the Music Meister appeared again. "That was the end of the second season of the show, mostly. So, I'll be swapping some people out," this time there were four bright flashes that appeared, and Nora Allen, Henry Allen, and Harrison Wells all disappeared while Nora West-Allen appeared. "This is Nora West-Allen, Barry, and Iris West-Allen's daughter from the future. While she does not appear in the show until a later season, I thought she deserved to see some of what her parents went through at the hands of this new villain of the season. Now, without further adieu, on with season three!" Before anyone could say anything, the lights dimmed again and the video started.

Savitar: Ground. Air. I can feel again. I can breathe again. I've beaten you, finally.

Nora gasped, "Savitar? I knew that the Flash fought him but still," she took a shaky breath. "I didn't think it was possible," she mumbled.

"What?" Barry gently asked her.

She startled, "Dad! Right, sorry, I'm in the past and you've never met me. Not that I've ever really met you. At least not when I was old enough to remember. Wait! I'm not supposed to talk about the future!"

Oliver and Joe laughed, "She's definitely Barry's daughter."

Nora blushed, "sorry," she said sheepishly. "Savitar was the first speedster ever. They called him the god of speed. Dad, eventually, beat him, but I don't know how. I guess we'll find out from this thing though." Everyone nodded and decided not to ask her any more questions, she looked flustered enough. Barry smiled at her and beckoned her to sit with him and Iris on the couch. Nora beamed and, literally, sped over to her parents. If there was any doubt left in someone's mind, it disappeared in the split second it took Nora to sit with her parents.

Barry: Where's Wally? What happened to him?

"My uncle," Nora helpfully piped in. "Mom's brother that she didn't know about. Papa Joe didn't know about him either, though."

Savitar: Like the Greek myth of Atlas, who could not put down the sky until someone took his place, Wally has taken my place in the Speed Force. You know me, I love a good myth.

"He's speaking as though Barry actually knows him," Caitlin pointed out.

"Yeah, I have no idea why. Sorry," Nora shrugged.

Barry: He took your place.

Savitar: When you created Flashpoint, you unwittingly provided me with the means for my return. Wally, you gave me the idea to turn Wally into Kid Flash, to make him fast enough to replace me in your prison. His youth and ego were my allies. So taken with his fame and speed, he never saw he was running right into my trap.

Barry: How do I get him out?

Savitar: Wally's gone.

Barry: How do I get him out?

Savitar: Suffering in an endless void for all eternity. Another victim Barry Allen failed to save

"It's emphasizing that Barry and Savitar use the same move when moving towards one another," Oliver started.

Dig picked up where he left off, "Why?"

Barry: No! I'm gonna kill you!

Savitar: If you had the strength to end my life, you would have done it in the future. But Barry Allen doesn't kill. He's the good guy. The boy Joe raised. The man Iris loves. You have everything and deserve none of it. I'm going to destroy this city like I did in the future, so you can see the truth, Barry. And then, you'll treat me like a god.

Barry: You're not a god!

Savitar: I am the future, Flash

"Oh no," Felicity breathed out. "I'm wrong, I have to be wrong." She shook her head and refused to tell anyone what she had just thought of.

Barry: Show your face!

"Barry!" Everyone shouted (with the exception of Nora who shouted "Dad!").

Savitar: I want so badly to kill you, and I will. But you have to live long enough to see Iris die.

Everyone was frozen. They didn't know how to take that last line.

"I know that this isn't a good time, but someone needs to break the heavy atmosphere, so Savitar's got a bitchin' suit," Cisco lightly stated. Everyone chuckled or grinned and nodded in thanks for what Cisco was attempting to do.

DragonBallContent. "The Flash vs Savitar - The Flash 3x15." Youtube, 7 Mar. 2017, 

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