The Beginning

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Barry Allen had just woken up from a nine month coma when everything went to hell. He was in the cortex with Cisco Ramon and Dr. Caitlin Snow when a man with a red pocket handkerchief  came in and did a... weird thing with his eyes. When he woke up he was in a strange theatre-like room with couches situated around a large screen. He turned and saw eight other people unconscious on the ground. Before he could rush to check on everyone they each groaned awake. 

Before any of them could do anything other than look around a voice rang out around them, "I was bored and decided that you all should watch important scenes from Barry's life via an alternate Earth TV show!" They all turned to see the man with the red handkerchief, "Most of this will be in your future and some more people will most likely end up being sent here as well later in. Have fun! And if you ever need something I'll be there in a Flash!" The man seemingly faded from existence and silence followed the end of the message before someone suggested that they all sit and introduce themselves. 

Everyone sat down and Felicity began introductions. "Hi!" she exclaimed "I'm Felicity Smoak from Starling City. I work at Queen Consolidated and these are my friends," she motioned to Dig and Oliver who took their cues to continue the introductions. 

"I'm Oliver Queen," Oliver gruffly stated. 

"John Diggle, call me Dig."

Iris went next, "Iris West, I'm from Central City and this is my dad, Joe West. He's a cop." 

Cisco continued, "I'm Cisco Ramon and this is my good friend and colleague Dr Caitlin Snow." 

A woman with red hair went after, "I'm Nora Allen and this is my husband Dr. Henry Allen." 

Everyone froze, until a soft, choked voice shakily questioned, "Mom?"

Everyone whirled around with cries of "Barry!" Iris barreled into him as soon as she shook off her shock. Cries of "When did you wake up?" "Why didn't Star Labs call us?" "Are you okay?" and "You scared the hell out of us!" dominated the room before Nora questioned, "Barry?" 

As soon as she realized that it was him, how could it not have been? He looks exactly like her father, she moves over to him and places a hand on his cheek, "Oh, my beautiful boy! How you've grown." After everyone settled down again a silence stretched in the room. 

"Uh," Barry called out, "Strange man who kidnapped us?" 

The man reappears and gives Barry a look, "Really? That's the best you could come up with? You can all call me the Music Miester. Anyway, what can I do for you Barry Allen?" 

"Uh, okay. Could you tell us what we're supposed to do now?"

"Right! The video will start once I leave again and anytime someone starts talking it will pause. If you need to stop it just say "stop" and it will. Say "play" to get it going again. I'll be leaving now, have fun and don't freak out too much!" He fades from existence again and the room goes dark as the screen lights up. 

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